Axe Fx Ultra + Synergy Syn-2 with 4 cable method signal issue


Hi guys!

I didn't find any similar topics here, so hopefully I am doing something wrong. I built a rack system with an Axe-Fx Ultra + a Synergy Syn-2, controlled via an MFC MKIII. I programmed everything myself, the whole system behaves like I wanted, I am very happy with the results.
The signal chain:
Guitar -> Ultra instrument input -> Ultra output 2 -> Synergy instrument input -> Synergy send -> Ultra input 2 -> Ultra output 1 -> ENGL 840 poweramp.
But there is one big problem: before the Synergy preamp, and after the Ultra's Output 2 the signal degrades somehow, and sounds like ass. There isn't any gain, any power, and if I turn the IN1 or OUT2 knobs higher, it starts clipping. If I plug the guitar in this setup directly in the Synergy input, it sounds absolutely flawless, and clean - but then I don't have any before-the-preamp effects, like wah, pitch shifter, etc. Of course all the simulations (cab and power amp) in the Ultra are disabled.

The rack is unfortunately in an another city, far away from me, and I don't visit it often. Just wanted to know, maybe somebody had this issue too, has a simple solution. Can be an AD/DA converter problem? Do you have go-to knob setup tricks? Which should I turn it all the way up for example? If you have some idea, next time I will bring it back home to some more tweaking. Or should I exchange it to an Axe-Fx II or III? The converters are better in the II and III?

Thank you in advance,
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