Axe Fx Std > Carvin LM12A's (two)


New Member
I am a new owner of an Axe Fx Standard and have not yet connected it, as I decided off the bat to try and get the fullest use of the cab sims and amp sims (as well as effects), so I purchased two Carvin LM12A's (powered PA spkrs) (even though i did read the shootout previously re: JBL's Carvin's and the QSC) Since I am new to all this, i was more cost conscience... Anyway, my question is...

Please review and correct me where I am incorrect...

On the back of the Axe Fx, I run separate XLR (mic?) balanced cables to each of the Carvin's from the Output 1 section (of Axe Fx) to the input at bottom left of panel of Carvin's...

as shown on page 8 of current Carvin catalog (powered spkrs/monitor)

is it really that simple?

Thanks a bunch! I am just getting back into playing after a 20 yr hiatus and am trying to "modernize"... When I played- it was guitar>amp...Lol... Mark
That's pretty much all there is to it. Adjust the volume level on monitors to as loud as you would ever run them and use the AxeFX to adjust the volume from there.
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