Axe FX sound problem


For example, the Uber amp preset, 20 or something it is.
Sounds very very good, perfect for my new song.

Well now the problem is, its Low, very LOW volume, and not only that, the amp seem so distant in a way.
It has been like this with all the presets for me, but I have modified them for a more present tone.

Anyway, raise the volume/level/master, and it just clips.
Add som Drive or something doesnt make a difference.

I dont know really, people get such great tones not me
What are you using to amplify the Axe?
Frfr cab, monitors, headphones, real cab? Sorry for being obvious but did you check output 1 level? Check global for cab sims on (or off if you're using a real amp). Sort the hardware parts first such as instrument input, output level and the amplification systems output volume. Then check I/O settings depending ion your setup. Then work within the preset.
First increase the level within the amp. I think they are defaulted to somewhere near -12db. Getting closer to the -5db range works (its different with every amp).
Then adjust drive and maybe you'll have to dial down on the level since gain increases overall volume and punch.
Careful with increasing master on certain amps since it might get you to clip the outs easily)
Output volume per scene should be 0db at default and it should be loud enough.
If all this doesnt work then it might be another issue.
It might work if you reset the amp block (switch back and forth in amp selection) and then raise the level and start tweaking your tone.

Hope it helps. Good luck and good tones!
The Uber has a ton of low end which will cause it to clip if you turn it up too much. You'll need to cut some of that low end to be able to make it louder without clipping.
Reverb will be the first killer of presence, kill the reverb, then make sure you add some high end.

I'm not aware of any issues with the "presence" of the presets so suspect it might be an equipment issue. I don't have issues through headphones.

Have you set the input parameter correctly for your guitar?

Have you modified the noise gate in any way?

Is global power amp simulation on?

What are you connecting it to? There may be some major tone suckage going on in your signal chain.

And finally, can you turn up the output knob or is it already dimed?
I guessed that Howe, how do I "cut the low" end?

There is a multitude of ways. In the amp block - cut switch, bass, depth, dynamic depth, depth freq, EQ, low cut, power amp low cut, low res freq, low res Q, and low resonance. In the cab block - low cut and cab size. Additionally you can add a filter, GEQ or PEQ block. I'm sure there are other ways too you just have to find the one (or combination) that works for you at the frequencies and levels you need to cut. Try a little experimenting and see what works for you.
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