Axe-FX Signal Routing / Stereo Rig

Hey guys!

Some questions on how one could use an Axe-FX as a processor in a stereo rig...

The Axe has 2 inputs...I'm thinking about sending the effects send of my two amps, each into an input of the Axe-FX.

From there, I'm hoping to be able to route any combination of the preamp inputs (input 1, input 2, or both inputs 1 and 2) in stereo through the output of the axe. That would then run into the two power amps (one left, the other right). This would allow me either one preamp, the other preamp, or a preamp per side...sounds like it would allow for A LOT of versaility.

A Few Questions:

-Is the Axe-Fx capable of such routing? Can I control which input goes to which output, and how it is split? Simply, I guess I'm asking if the input settings can be switched on the fly, via MIDI.
-I've read the converters, etc. on the Axe are well done...running my preamp signal split through the Axe is going to ruin it?
-Any immediate problems you are seeing technically?

**And most doing such a stereo setup, do I want both power amps to be the same? Obviously, having a different power amp on each side will add some tonal variety per side, even if I run the same preamp through it, but is this a bad thing? For example, say this was done with a Rectifier and Mark you see any problems in having a Recto power amp on one side, and Mark Power amp on the other?

Thank you!

I see no problems at all except for a long ground loop hunting, as usual with two-amps-rigs.

You could use a mixer block to select which input use: left or right.

If you are really planning a complex setup you should really read the manual, download the editor to check which mixer parameters are controllable and so on.
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