axe-fx position compared to your playing position


Where do you guys have your axe-fx's when you're practicing or creating patches?
I'm not using the midi editor.

I haven't come up with a good place to put mine..
If its on a desk within arms reach while I'm sitting with a guitar, I can't read the display because of the angle, which causes me to sit back and hunch over to see what I'm doing.

I haven't got any place thats high enough to sit it so I can play standing and still be able to fiddle with the settings.

How do you set yours up?

Pictures welcome!
I had mine propped up on an Ultimate amp stand.

bluffalo said:
If its on a desk within arms reach while I'm sitting with a guitar, I can't read the display because of the angle, which causes me to sit back and hunch over to see what I'm doing.

Utility Menu, Contrast, is your friend. I've had my Axe everywhere from a rack a few inches off the floor to above my head and I've never had problem adjusting the contrast to be readable.
I just wheel my desk chair over if I'm going to be doing more than a minor tweak. Under the table makes for good storage for mics and cables etc.

ipressthebutton said:
I use a keyboard stand.
That's what I've been doing, but I'm liking the amp stand approach. I really wanted the SKB PS-100 to work with the Axe-Fx -- but it isn't deep enough. :( That would have been perfect: hovering right over my R1 controller like that.
Stringtheorist said:
Merlin said:
I use a Combo standard.. turned upside down

What's the G-System for? You haven't found a way of using it as a controller for the Axe have you? :shock:

I have :cool: Well it doesn,t send multicc but it function as a pedalboard now .. and offcourse one way communication so i have to make the presets in the G also
Merlin said:
I have :cool: Well it doesn,t send multicc but it function as a pedalboard now .. and offcourse one way communication so i have to make the presets in the G also
How did you manage that? I have a G-System which I'd love to convert for this purpose.
Stringtheorist said:
Merlin said:
I have :cool: Well it doesn,t send multicc but it function as a pedalboard now .. and offcourse one way communication so i have to make the presets in the G also
How did you manage that? I have a G-System which I'd love to convert for this purpose.

It,s real easy, just assign under the option switches from the G the switches to toggle midicc and than the number you want
let the Axe learn that number and ready... be sure your mapping in the G is set to factorydefaults.

Again offcourse i don,t have the tuner working on the G it,s one way communication..

Just Pm me if you have troubles.
Mine sits to the right of me on my desk, in a little 4U rack that sits on top of another 6?U rack. The Axe pretty much sits at my head height, so it's great for tweaking and whatnot. :cool:
I sit on the Zildjian stool and the Axe-FX is at eye level. See the picture below:


Or I'll sit behind my rig with my guitar and use the computer and the editor so I don't actually see the Axe-FX. In the picture below you can see the computer tower, keyboard, and monitor between the Axe-FX and the QSC on the right.

mworkman said:
I sit on the Zildjian stool and the Axe-FX is at eye level. See the picture below:


Or I'll sit behind my rig with my guitar and use the computer and the editor so I don't actually see the Axe-FX. In the picture below you can see the computer tower, keyboard, and monitor between the Axe-FX and the QSC on the right.


Nice setup, may i ask which controller that is .. that thing is huge, your not falling short in ia,s i quess :mrgreen:
Merlin said:
mworkman said:
I sit on the Zildjian stool and the Axe-FX is at eye level. See the picture below:


Or I'll sit behind my rig with my guitar and use the computer and the editor so I don't actually see the Axe-FX. In the picture below you can see the computer tower, keyboard, and monitor between the Axe-FX and the QSC on the right.


Nice setup, may i ask which controller that is .. that thing is huge, your not falling short in ia,s i quess :mrgreen:

Axess Electronics FX-1 with the expander.

There are a couple things I'd like it to do that it doesn't do - the tuner is probably the biggest. The LiquidFoot has so much flexibility. Too much for how I'd use it. I was kind of hoping the MFC-101 would be right in the middle. For now I am happy to wait and see what happen with the MFC-101. Also, Mario (the owner of Axess Electronics), has been taking an extended break to re-lauch Axess. I am hoping that maybe he updates the firmware of the FX-1 with the ability to display the Axe-FX and maybe one or two features of the Liquidfoot. We'll see...
Do I Spot a Robin Savoy case tucked away in that pic?

Nice setup man, Real nice. I'm sure the Axe sounds huge through those QSCs. Thats the type of setup I'd love to use for tweaking. Push plenty of air and get the whole range of sound.
PlaysARobin said:
Do I Spot a Robin Savoy case tucked away in that pic?

Nice setup man, Real nice. I'm sure the Axe sounds huge through those QSCs. Thats the type of setup I'd love to use for tweaking. Push plenty of air and get the whole range of sound.

Give the man a prize! That's my Robin, looks like this...


I'd love to get an Avalon to go with it. This has been a $0 budget year for gear. I am trying to get the rest of the house finished so I can turn that room that was in the previous picture into a nice music room that isn't just sub-flooring and busted up drywall. But before the wife lets me work on that I have to finish everything else.
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