Axe-FX III for Keyboards and USB Backing tracks


New Member
Hello all.

I am currently not an Axe-FX III owner, but I am evaluating various units that may work for me.
I am a keyboard player, and for live use I use the Nord Stage 3 keyboard, and Virtual instruments hosted by Logic Pro controlled by a separate Midi keyboard.
Logic Pro also outputs backins tracks in stereo, and a Click/Guide track in stereo.

With regards to te FOH mixer this is the current setup...
  • Main Keyboard: Nord Stage 3 into 2 channels on the FOH mixer (stereo)
  • Virtual Instruments from Logic Pro: UA Apollo soundcard output 1/2 into 2 channels on the FOH mixer (stereo)
  • Backing Tracks from Logic Pro: UA Apollo soundcard output 3/4 into 2 channels on the FOH mixer (stereo)
  • Click/Guide Tracks form Logic Pro: UA Apollo soundcard HP output into 2 channels on the FOH mixer (stereo)
So ... here is what I am trying to solve ...
  • I want more flexible and better effects for my Nord Stage 3.
  • I want to have effects available for the Virtual instruments.
  • I want to leave my UA Apollo interface at home, and use another Audio interface for Live work.
  • I need a reliable unit that supports 4 separate paths of audio, with 1 stereo analog line level input, and 3 stereo USB inputs.
  • I need a unit that is controllable using a Midi controller. I am currently using the Morningstar MC8.
The reason for looking at the Axe-FX III ...
  • It got line level analog stereo inputs
  • It got 4 stereo outputs
  • It got very good effects and control options.
  • It got an built in USB 8x8 audio interface

So ... My questions is then
  • Will a Axe-FX III work for me, based on what I am trying to solve ?
  • Is there anything on my "things to solve" list that an Axe-FX III will not be able to handle?
  • Should I look for other solutions, as the Axe-FX heavily guitar oriented ?

Kind regards Nils.
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