AXE FX II XL+ and Wah expression pedal settings


New Member
Hoping someone can help have an ax fx II xl+ with quantum 9.04 and a behringer FCB1010 with the Eureka prom, the wah off is currently toe down and want to change it to toe up. Does anyone know how to change this been trying to see if there is an easy way to swap the midi settings in the ax fx for toe up and down to change, tried in the midi menu did not work. any help is greatly appreciated
It sounds like you need to edit the 'Auto-Engage' 'Off Value' percentage in the Edit Modifier window for the Wah block 'Control' parameter. 95% = toe down off. 5% = heal down off.
i am able to change under the bypass mode for the modifier. it shows as A MIN OFF and B MAX ON. I can change temporarily so toe down is off and up is on. but it doesnt store even when i store the preset is there a global setting for this.
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