Axe Fx II and Canadian shipping


Just wondering what the status with Canadian shipping is. I put my name on the waiting list and was wondering if we will actually be treated like those in the U.S (get the coupon code then precede with payment and shipping) or will Canadians be skipped or what? The whole Canada Post thing is resolved to my knowledge but I'm not sure if that was the only issue with Canadian shipping and the whole Yahoo store thing the last couple months.

IF things are up to shape, I was wondering roughly when I would be able to purchase the Axe Fx II (I put my name on the list yesterday) based on the current flow of things.

Hi Taylor,

Unfortunately shipping to Canada is still unavailable. I am hoping that maybe once the store is revamped and the Axe II is available for purchase, shipping to Canada will be reinstated. A post on the FAS facebook page indicated that they were still keeping us Canadians in mind and are trying to work things out, so let's hope!!! I am interested in finding out exactly how coupons and redemption will work for Canadians (I have a feeling we will just be skipped over though).

Regarding your question about when you can purchase one through the waitlist, no one can tell you. I fear you may be in for quite a long wait as the Axe II hasn't been on sale for a week and a half (almost two), and when it was for sale there were no units allocated to the waitlist out of the batches being released daily. I think we'll all get a clearer picture once the store is operational again. Cliff posted that the store was being revamped specifically to handle the waiting list more effectively. Let's hope for the best! You aren't the only Canadian on the waiting list waiting for the go ahead :D
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Thanks for the info dude!

It's stupid how g66 is supplying to Europe but Canada which is right above U.S is left out. They should find a company in Canada like Long and McQuade, La Music, etc. That can suply the units to us just like Tone Merchants does in the states. You don't happen to know WHY we are being left out do you? Since Canada post is no longer an issue.
There is already a thread in the lounge about this issue. Cliff had too much issues with USPS. However, he was trying to find an alternative solution for us Canadians, and I'm sure something is on the way.
Thanks for the info dude!

It's stupid how g66 is supplying to Europe but Canada which is right above U.S is left out. They should find a company in Canada like Long and McQuade, La Music, etc. That can suply the units to us just like Tone Merchants does in the states. You don't happen to know WHY we are being left out do you? Since Canada post is no longer an issue.

No way!!! Then it will be like Gibson guitars which I can buy cheaper in the USA than dealers can buy them wholesale in Canada due to middleman markups. Canada Post is still an issue because Cliff doesn't like them.
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