axe-fx for acoustic and jazz applications


New Member
This probably sounds crazy, but has anyone used the axe for acoustic/jazz stuff?
Particularly, has anyone compared the axe with frfr to things like an acoustic image/raezers edge combo, or
an evans hybrid tube amp?
My logic is that if the axe can compete with those things, it could be an all-in-one setup; otherwise you need a dedicated acoustic setup, maybe even more than one (tube, solid state). Thanks!
Search out a few of my posts here or on TGP.

Short answer - you betcha'.

It is the all-in-one do-it-all box.
galloc said:
This probably sounds crazy, but has anyone used the axe for acoustic/jazz stuff?
Particularly, has anyone compared the axe with frfr to things like an acoustic image/raezers edge combo, or
an evans hybrid tube amp?
My logic is that if the axe can compete with those things, it could be an all-in-one setup; otherwise you need a dedicated acoustic setup, maybe even more than one (tube, solid state). Thanks!

I've owned a Clarus 2R and an RE-T8.
I've owned several Polytones.
I've spent a lot of time trying out the Evans line too.
My favourite amp for jazz ended up being an old Pearce G2r I bought used a few years ago. It sounded way better the the 2r/T8 rig so I sold it.
I've always tended to like SS amps more for jazz than tube amps because of the headroom on the bottom end. But I've used Mesa rigs for jazz as well.
90% of the music I play (and/or teach) for a living is jazz.

My Axe Ultra, through the right power amp/speakers. wipes all that stuff for jazz.
Lately I've been using the Brownface amp model for jazz. But I used to use the USA Clean and/or Blackface models.
It's easy to cop the sound of a 100% solid state signal path, like the AI stuff or the Polytone stuff, by not using any amp sim at all and just using an EQ for tone shaping.

I own a 175 but tend to play jazz on a humbucker equipped Tele most of the time, so my tastes in jazz guitar sound may differ from yours. But if you've ever enjoyed the sound of your archtops through a Fender Twin then you'll enjoy using the Axe's Blackface amp model.
What you play the Axe through for monitoring will also play a huge role in your sonic satisfaction.

There are clips of me playing my Tele through the Axe, into the Pearce's power amp and an EVM-12L open back cabinet at this link:

Ultimately the Pearce's power section wasn't optimal and I'm now using an ART SLA1 into the same speaker. Much better still.

If you're a jazz-guy and you can handle some tweaking and re-thinking of your rig (i.e. if you're not strictly plug 'n' play and don't mind lugging some extra gear to the gig) then the Axe is capable of sounding as good or better than *anything* else you can buy for jazz. It's also the best sounding thing available now for any other style of music. That may change when other manufacturers play catch-up, but they've got a long way to go.
Sounds great Joe! Nice work. I do some jazz as well, so it's encouraging to hear what kind of results can be achieved...

BTW...she's got a great voice, and I really like the songs...seems like the vocals are a little hot in the mix though for my taste (but I only listened on my 13" mac notebooks built in speakers so...) maybe that's just my prejudice in wanting to hear more of your guitar work! :lol:
I have never been happier with my sound with the AXFX doing Metheny, Benson, Acoustic Alchemy at my Jazz gigs with my Metheny model Ibanez through 2 Bose L1's. Just gorgeous thick responsive tone.
Shaloha said:
Sounds great Joe! Nice work. I do some jazz as well, so it's encouraging to hear what kind of results can be achieved...

BTW...she's got a great voice, and I really like the songs...seems like the vocals are a little hot in the mix though for my taste (but I only listened on my 13" mac notebooks built in speakers so...) maybe that's just my prejudice in wanting to hear more of your guitar work! :lol:

I'm not wild about the mix either.
I wasn't there when they were mixing.
Most of those tunes I would have mixed way differently.
I sold my Pendulum after getting the Axe...the AxeFx does it all and more with what I think is equal to better quality. My acoustic tone has never been better, clearer.
The MBC is awsome with acoustic......enjoy
joegold said:
Lately I've been using the Brownface amp model for jazz. But I used to use the USA Clean and/or Blackface models.

Correction: It's the Tweed amp type I've been using lately for jazz.

But although it sounds great at home, I wasn't digging it last night on my gig.
I think that on my next jazz gig with the Axe I won't use any Amp Block at all. I'll just use an EQ where the amp block normally sits in my signal path.
This will better mimic the ss signal path of a typical jazz amp like Polytone or Clarus.
joegold said:
I'll just use an EQ where the amp block normally sits in my signal path.
This will better mimic the ss signal path of a typical jazz amp like Polytone or Clarus.

Wow, I just tried this, and I was pretty surprised at the result. I used a PEQ (with a little midrange hump and some high roll-off), 2x12 black cab, and reverb. Definitely a very usable jazz tone!
joegold said:
joegold said:
Lately I've been using the Brownface amp model for jazz. But I used to use the USA Clean and/or Blackface models.

Correction: It's the Tweed amp type I've been using lately for jazz.

But although it sounds great at home, I wasn't digging it last night on my gig.
I think that on my next jazz gig with the Axe I won't use any Amp Block at all. I'll just use an EQ where the amp block normally sits in my signal path.
This will better mimic the ss signal path of a typical jazz amp like Polytone or Clarus.

At the risk of exposing myself as the totally neurotic weirdo that I actually am....

I've gone back to using the Tweed amp model for jazz.
Here's a tip for those seeking a dark Metheny-ish, Martino-ish, Bickert-ish tone:
Many of the Axe's clean amp models have *tons* of bottom end. So, if you roll off the highs at your guitar's tone control as well as a little bit on the Axe amp model (actually I usually keep the Treb parameter at about 12:00) you can wind up with a really boomy bottom end.
This can be tamed in the Advanced Parameters by bringing the Low-Cut Freq up to about 100hz.
So you *can* get that dark sound *without* the boominess (and you don't have to add an EQ into your signal chain).
Just remember that every time you change the Amp Type parameter this value will go back to its default which is 10hz or no cut at all.

For anyone who's interested, here are the settings for my current jazz tone on the Axe (of course these will change as the days go on, but it might give you a good starting point):

Amp Type: Tweed
(All default parameter settings for this amp type are used, except for the above mentioned Low-Cut Freq setting @ 100hz, especially the Passive Tone Stack. I was using the Active Tone Stack the other day on my gig and it changes the character of the amp model quite a bit. Passive is much warmer.)
Drive: 5.00
Bass: 3.15
Middle: 5.00
Treble: 5.00
Master: 5.00
Level: 13.00
(This is a s loud as I can get it before the DA converter starts clipping. I'm using a short-scale Tele with a 57 Classic in the neck position, 500k pots w/.02mf cap on the tone control.)
I even use the axe standard for sitar (pizzo contact pick-up).
I have had a dedicated small preamp for that purpose. But the axe is FAR BETTER.
Besides the superb sound quality the eq options let you sculpt the tone to perfection.

If, for example you have a guitar that has certain areas of too strong/weak sound, you can very precisely compensate for that etc...
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