Axe fx + carvin dcm2000 + 8x10 bass cab help

Hey guys, i've looked all over the forum and googlechrome for that matter and can't seem to find the answer im looking for:

Has anyone done or know anyone who has ran their axe fx with a power amp into an 8x10 bass cabinet to play bass live with?

im aware of the SVT sim and i know a few of the guitar amps have pretty nice bass sounds for recordings. I'm just curious if anyone has ran a bass direct with a power amp and bass cab?

I ask this because my main instrument is guitar, and i usually play the axe fx through my daw(logic 9), recently a band has asked me to play bass for them and rather than buying a bass rig.
i was wondering if i could just use my axe fx standard plus my carvin dcm2000 power amp with say an ampeg 8x10 cab or a mesa 8x10 powerhouse?

Yes i'm aware that i can just run the directly to FOH, but for on stage i like the feel and push of the 8x10's behind me with the drums.
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