Wish Axe-Edit Built-in Doc

Maybe thinking too naively about this…I actually don’t understand why this is challenging. As far as I know all of these features are already documented. It should be straightforward to e-link the relevant sentences/paragraphs in the doc to tool tips.
Maybe thinking too naively about this…I actually don’t understand why this is challenging. As far as I know all of these features are already documented. It should be straightforward to e-link the relevant sentences/paragraphs in the doc to tool tips.
There are hundreds (thousands?) of parameters.

It's not a trivial task...
There are hundreds (thousands?) of parameters.

It's not a trivial task...
No I get that, but it’s a one-time investment. Whenever documentation changes tool tip gets modified automatically. New features will be incremental to the baseline
Perfect job for an intern. 😂
If tool-tips were a line or two, probably not "hard" and interns could do it. :).

Even a hyperlink to that specific section in the owners manual would be a welcome addition.
Yeah, a hyperlink to the appropriate manual section could work, but maybe only if the PDF manuals were packaged with AE so they would be more tightly integrated. I don't know if that would appeal to FAS or not.

Of course there's also a lot of supplemental information in the wiki as well, so that would be left out.
Another option is a community/user sourced XML/JSON/CSV doc with tool-tip data, after determining a suitable schema and naming convention.

This could be configured in AE (e.g. in Preferences/Workspace) to point to whatever tool-tip file and eventually be included in the release (with option to be overridden by users as desired).
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Maybe thinking too naively about this…I actually don’t understand why this is challenging. As far as I know all of these features are already documented. It should be straightforward to e-link the relevant sentences/paragraphs in the doc to tool tips.
I'm all for the basic idea, especially if the user would be able to edit them, but you know the next request will be to have 10 languages... On and on...

If you let volunteers contribute to this you'll always have a lot of poor language there. It's why I use everything in English (although I'm not). To read the silly translations they often pick in Photoshop menus, etc. -- unusable.
I want community/user sourced, detailed tool tips on how to soft- or hard-reset an amp block...

The discussion about composing said tooltip should be an interesting read, worth it all in itself. :p
Thinking that this wouldn't come with a maintenance burden is naive.
Of course. Hence a community-sourced optional file that could be loaded into AE - with the disclaimer that it is not FAS official (unless & until it was vetted and included as such).

And if there were official tool-tips, perhaps AE could also support an additional file for personal / community extensions.

Just dreaming I guess.
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No I get that, but it’s a one-time investment.
So was building the Great Wall of China ;)

Whenever documentation changes tool tip gets modified automatically.
How? What mechanism would do that? Also, documentation updates often lag behind firmware updates...

Further, I think to be really useful there is stuff that should be included that's not in the documentation. These things are often deep in the wiki or a forum post.

Now maybe a starting point would be just to duplicate the parameters to show the verbiage from the Blocks Guide... But in that case is it really that hard to open the PDF, go to the section for that block and parameter? That's what I do.

Anyway, I'm not disagreeing that it would be cool to have it - it definitely would, especially for people with an aversion to manual diving :)

I think it's all about priority and resource time commitment by a relatively small company.

So, all that said:

Another option is a community/user sourced XML/JSON doc with tool-tip data, after determining a suitable schema and naming convention.

This could be configured in AE (e.g. in Preferences/Workspace) to point to whatever tool-tip file and eventually be included in the release (with option to be overridden by users as desired).
That could possibly work. There would probably need to be limitations on amount of text, formatting, etc since it has to fit within the editor display.

And of course, Fractal would need to support it. :)
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