AX8 - How to send signal parallel (no cab sim) using all post effects?


New Member
Hello, I just purchased the AX8. I would like to know how do I get a parallel output, without the enclosure simulation, to connect directly to the power amp, without losing, or duplicating the effects? It is possible? How would the layout of the blocks look? Thanks.
Depending on what FX you are using, you can just put the Cab at the very end - after the post amp effects. Put a parallel chain off to the FX Block just before the cab.
I don't have my AX8 with me at the moment, but let me know if you need a picture to follow this.
I know this sounds weird, but put the Cab block at the end of your chain after you branch off for the 'Effects Loop'. If you are using stereo effects, use a stereo Cab block.
I had seen some people doing this (CAB at the end). The sound seems to be different. Just as the volume changes. Looking at the manual, on page 59, I can create a new signal chaining, but I would have to use IN2 (Fx RTN). So, I would have to duplicate the signal out of my guitar ... But I think that, when returning to the signal chaining where the CAB is, the sound will be added. Right? This is crazy ... hehehe. Anyway, doing as you were told, implies changing the parameters that I had already done. If you have any images, this will help.
Thanks for support. Any tip is welcome.
I had the Ultra (2010), but I was standing in the studio ... I never used it live. Sorry my english
Maybe one of these will work: Three approaches to routing that all work for certain situations.

Pre Cabinet (top image) is the easiest to get a useably similar sound from both FRFR and a cabinet. Output 1 to FRFR, the FXLoop = Output 2 to power amp & cabinet. I put a GEQ in there to adjust the send to the Cabinet to match the FRFR: which will change somewhat preset to preset. (I prefer that to tweaking a cab model to match the cabinet since FRFR is my SOP)

Effects Post Cabinet (middle image) is near impossible to get FRFR to be similar to the cabinet. (Effects post cab model on Output 1, Real cab is post effects on Output 2) If matching isn't important: It is pretty darn cool for some ambient textures. (Effects mix = 100%, output levels to taste)

The Amp for Guitar & Amp for Effects routing (bottom) would be for using 2 amps: one for core guitar tone, the other for effects only (Could be also be reversed with the guitar into the cabinet and effects only to FRFR)

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Thank you all for the answers.
But putting the CAB at the end generates the following problem: drive sounds or drive pedals will pass through the delay and reverb before the cabinet simulation. To my taste, the sound gets very ugly.
Do not get me wrong, I would do this when I used my analog pedals or when I had the products of Line 6.
Thank you all for the answers.
But putting the CAB at the end generates the following problem: drive sounds or drive pedals will pass through the delay and reverb before the cabinet simulation. To my taste, the sound gets very ugly.
Do not get me wrong, I would do this when I used my analog pedals or when I had the products of Line 6.
Can you post or send me one of your presets to look at. If done correctly, there is no difference with the Cab block at the end.
The cab block should normally go at the end, like a real rig. I sometmes put a EQ after it to block hi/low freq for FRFR, but that's it. Short of duplicating them, there's no way I can think of to do it. Drive blocks should be infront of the amp block.
Hi. After a very busy time, I stopped to do everything according to your recommendation. I think it's all settled now. Thank you all.
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