Audio problem-Suggestions please


I was in the 3rd set of a recent gig, I switched to my Marsha preset, rockin' along, a minute into the song, I tapped the button on my Midimate controller for the null filter (volume boost), the volume increased as it is suppose to, I hit four solo notes, then all of the sudden, no guitar signal! Quickly, I checked all the cable connections, the display on the Ultra was still on, the Rocktron 300 power amp power indicator light was still on and, the Midimate was still on. The band found a place to cut the song off and the singer apologized to the crowd for the technical problem. I checked all connections again, still no signal. I turned off the Ultra, waited about 5 seconds turned it back on and bam, I have guitar signal again. I finished the set, took a break, left everything on and plugged up. Came back later and played a fourth set with no problems. I used the Marsha preset again but, did not hit the Midi Mate controller button for the null boost. The next day I fired up the Ultra without the midi controller plugged up. I went to the Marsha preset and noticed that I was slightly bumping the output overload light when I played really hard and, this is without the null filter kicked in. The null filter was set for an additional 3 db boost. Could I have overloaded the Ultra by kicking in the null filter?
Does the Ultra have an overload protection feature to shut the signal path off ? Or, could it have been a Midimate or midi cable glitch? The cable is a rocktron 7 pin cable that powers the controller. Suggestions?
Can't tell you, but I want to know the answer for sure!
Wow, always nerve wrecking when something like that happens.

You're sure you didn't hit a Tuner switch (set to Mute) accidently and forgot to check that? Just asking.
No, I pressed a single midi button. It was set up on the midimate for the null boost on all presets, it kicked up the volume (as it had on the other presets during the course of the gig), I stepped back from the controller and then, started into my solo, about 4 notes (maybe 3 to 4 seconds) before the signal dropped. I was grinding into the solo hard when it happened. I thought maybe the signal became too hot with the extra boost on that preset.
I suppose so, but to get the signal back, I only turned the Ultra off and on. I never turned the Rocktron power amp off or tried to reset it.
Update: I believe the problem I had at the gig must be related to the midi mate controller somehow. I'm starting to have other issues with it staying locked on certain presets. I hope my name comes up soon on the MFC 101 waiting list!
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