Audimee of the future

Manny Fufish

Power User
I started using Audimee to convert my vocal tracks into professional singers vocals. There are a few steps in the process, but the results are much better than expected.
I started thinking, this is going to be very cool when it’s built into the DAW and you can just right-click on a vocal track to convert it, selecting a singer from the drop-down menu.
This would likely create a duplicate track with the results from the AI converter, and the original vocal track would be muted. Much better workflow.

I’m now starting to think that is too simple of a use case, and I started thinking much bigger. I could one day see a box such as the AxeFX Utilizing the accelerated hardware of the future that could take this conversion to real time with only milliseconds of delay.
This would allow you to plug a microphone directly into the box and modify your vocals, in real time, to perfectly match a chosen artist. These artists would then be loaded as presets as they are made available.

This would seem very difficult when thinking in today’s hardware standards. However, the results are very good when using the power of the Audimee site, and hardware will likely get to that level of ridiculousness. Minutes will one day become milliseconds.

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