assigning pedal for x/y switching


I'm sure this is easy, or already a preset but how to do you assign a pedal on the mfc to do the x/y switching. Or for an external switch from the 1+2 3+4 external switches on the back of the mfc. Thanks in advance.
I'm sure this is easy, or already a preset but how to do you assign a pedal on the mfc to do the x/y switching. Or for an external switch from the 1+2 3+4 external switches on the back of the mfc. Thanks in advance.

Take a look at the Wiki for assistance:

X/Y switching - Axe-Fx II Wiki

I have not done this myself, but I am highly considering purchasing the MFC-Edit software to assign different I/A's for X/Y settings or duplicate delays/reverbs.

X/Y: configuring floor controllers
You can configure X/Y effect blocks to engage the effect in either X or Y mode. Source Example:
1. IA Switch 1, ON message: DELAY 1 ON, DELAY 1 X (CC#47:127, CC#106: 127)
2. IA Switch 1, OFF message: DELAY 1 OFF, DELAY 1 X (CC#47:0, CC#106: 127)
3. IA Switch 2, OFF message: DELAY 1 ON, DELAY 1 Y (CC#47:127, CC#106: 0)
4. IA Switch 2, OFF message: DELAY 1 OFF, DELAY 1 Y (CC#47:0, CC#106: 0)

Or use the controller's group/switch-link functionality.

Check out Cooper Carter's (G66) video also here
Do you want a button on the MFC, or an expression PEDAL?

Keep in mind that each X/Y will be independent. Meaning, Amp X/Y will be different than Cab X/Y etc. You will need a separate controller button (CC command) for each one.

I suppose you COULD go in and change the cc value for all of the X/Y's (or a selection of them) to the same number, and have them all change on the same signal... that might work (don't know, never tried it... but can't think of why it wouldn't work).

For an expression pedal, you would set it up so that values above a certain number (like 60 ) would be X, (or "on" )and values below that number would be Y (or "off") Assign that pedal to the CC number of the X/Y state you want to affect, and that would work.

BUT... By FAR the easiest way to do this is with SCENES. Read the manual or Wiki about how to use scenes if you haven't already. Then you can change X/Y states in any order you like for as many blocks as you like, each with it's own setting (X or Y) independent of each other but changing all at the same time. A much better way to go IMO.

Also, by adding use of scene controllers, you can really open up the horsepower of changing an amp or effects settings, and that way you can get much more than the 2 available X/Y settings. (example: Scene 1 drive = 1.5, Scene 2 drive = 4, Scene 3 drive = 7.) That's like 3 amps right there, all done with scene controllers.
BUT... By FAR the easiest way to do this is with SCENES. Read the manual or Wiki about how to use scenes if you haven't already. Then you can change X/Y states in any order you like for as many blocks as you like, each with it's own setting (X or Y) independent of each other but changing all at the same time. A much better way to go IMO.

Solid advice Pinkycramper, that is typically how I setup presets myself as well.

Preset scenes - Axe-Fx II Wiki

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