Wish Assign expression pedal to Value knob


For quick expressive use of a wide range of parameters, I would like a way to configure an expression pedals to mirror the function of the Value knob.

Basically, get access to foot pedal expression on whatever was the last parameter you edited, without any additional steps or configuration.

Combined with the Performance pages that would be quick pedal access for 20 different parameters, or very quick access to 5.

This is similar to how pedal edit mode on Line 6 Helix works, which also gives the benefit of being able to quickly dial in sounds and tones without taking hands off the guitar.
^^^ Plus one gazillion. I remember suggesting same when I bought my AFX2 and got royally flamed on this forum.

Using a foot to adjust a parameter while playing with both hands. Imagine that!
Compared to some other potential ways of getting multiple functions out of an expression pedal, I feel like this one would be the easiest to implement. There would be no need or concept of programming and assigning the pedal based on different contexts and different actions, and no need for a UI for that too. Simply a single setting for allowing "Value" to be controlled by a pedal.
Maybe some setting that's like
"Auto-assign value parameter to pedal 1" - Enabled/Disable
That you can opt-in and out of, so you are not forced to have either and people can use it the old way and the new way.
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