ART SLA Performance report !!


Fractal Fanatic
So, I see many posts here with questions on the Art SLA-2 (200W per channel into 8 Ohms - 520W bridges into 8 Ohms).

I myself have ran the SLA-1 since getting my Axe (100W per side into 8 Ohms, 260 W Bridged into 8 Ohms).

i would like to share my experiences with volume/performance of the SLA series.

I recently did a check against a backing track played through my PA. Now its not the best quality, being the Wharfedale EVP Powered series but giving 129db max SPL it compares favourably with quality PAs like FBT (123 db) HK (128 db) and QSC (131db). Add to this the fact Im running a Pair of 12" tops, a pair of 15" tops and a pair of 15" subs it moves a considerable ammount of air at a considerable volume.

So - I played a rock and a blues backing track, with the PA wound up so the limiters on all 6 speakers were just flickering. This is going to be pretty much full SPL.

I played my Guitar/Axe over the top of the backing track. I use the SLA-1 Bridged into a VHT 2x12 Cab.

The guitar was quite a bit louder than the backing track - certainly up to solo volume levels if not a bit higher. To achieve this I had the amp set to -9bd and the Axe running at around 3 O'Clock ( so just over 3/4 max O/P). I also played a clean rhythm part over the blues track. I had to turn the Axe down to get the right mix with the backing track. No problems with headroom at these volumes at all.

The sound was crisp, full, punchy and LOUD. The Amps clip protection didnt blink at this level, and I susspect that there was some room to go higher still if needed before clip protection set in.

My conclusions here is that for anyone running a single cab - be it 1x12, 2x12 or 4x12 the SLA-1 is well up to the task (because you run the amp bridged for a single enclosure) and there is no need for the extra headroom the SLA-2 provides.

If you need to run 2 cabs for either a stereo set-up, or a full stack (although you could drive 2 x 4 Ohm 4x12s in series fine from the SLA-1 Bridged mode!!!) then the SLA-2 would be preferable. theres a slight drop in headroom (260W down to 200W) BUT as the SLA-1 was running at -9db in this test thats fine.

Quality of the amp is definately up there with anything else. Its quite for the studio - the fan is hardly noticeable, seems decent build (no problems at all in the 10 months Ive owned mine) and seems fine to be pushed for extended periods (often 4-5 hours at rehersals). All this in a 1U package at a decent - if not downright cheap price makes it hard to resist for potention users.
What are you guys using to get your volume level output, patch level, amp volume...etc. I recently got an SLA-2 and tried my AxeFx through it, since I pretty much just use my axe for recording...didn't get a lot of volume or punch out of it, I tried it with a 4 ohm and 8 ohm cab, but just running one side. I didn't spend a lot of time with it, but it wasn't nearly as loud as my tube rig, or even my other guitarists Vetta HD...
I actually run the O/P 2 volume slightly low. I do this because when I turn a cab block on for recording, I clip the O/P otherwise.

I do run the patch volume higher though. its considerably higher than the preset patches, and much louder throught the art and cab.

i acually had the Arts "clip" protection flickering yesterdat. I did have the Art on -6db and the axu up full - with the output clipin light JUST not lighting (turned the O/P 2 down slightly as it was clipping to start with).

Seemed very loud to me. NO WAY would I want that volume on a stage. My ears wouldnt last a set :eek: still Ive had the same thoughts with a 100W head and 4x12 so maybe its around that level - maybe not quite as much. Doesnt matter to me though as its as loud as i need it.
Just got my SLA-2 today and spent a couple of hours running my usual presets through it. Interestingly, it sounds quite different to running through my amp's FX loop; not quite getting what I want yet. I don't feel my V30 speakers are the best mate for the AXE. What cabs are non-FRFR people using? Anyone tried a 4x10?
Stringtheorist said:
Just got my SLA-2 today and spent a couple of hours running my usual presets through it. Interestingly, it sounds quite different to running through my amp's FX loop; not quite getting what I want yet. I don't feel my V30 speakers are the best mate for the AXE. What cabs are non-FRFR people using? Anyone tried a 4x10?

Maybee try swapping one of the V-30`s out with a G12H-30 or variant of that speaker, that`ll add some highs and lows that the V-30 can sometimes lack.

I tried a few different speaker combinations before settling on a scumback M-75 (GB voicing) and a scumback H-55 (simular voicing to a Hertiage celestion H-30 55hz model)
That setup really works great through the SLA-1 into a 2x12.
IMHO the axefx has no "best mates". The main point about it is versatility. Cliff had no speakers in mind when he designed it. Your axefx with your poweramp must behave like a tube amp. If it weren't the case, I think most of us would have returned it by now.

If you were happy running v30s with your tube head, you should be able to do the same with an axefx and a decent poweramp. If you change speakers, then with the new ones you probably won't get exactly what's in your head, and you will start looking for alternatives again, because the new speakers won't be the "best mate" again.

The only speakers that WILL make a real "conceptual" difference are FRFR speakers in an FRFR system. But that's up to your taste.

If you've always liked v30s, stay with them. You must be doing something wrong, as in using the same patches you were using with your tube amp. You're treating different beasts, get an empty preset, set EVERYTHING to neutral, global eqs, etc, and set up a row of shunts and start with an amp block. Now you try to get the sound you have in mind. Don't bother with advanced parameters yet, just eq it like an amp. Tweak at VOLUME. Don't expect it to sound and above all feel like a tube head with a 4x12 at room levels. A/Bing is your friend, if possible have your old tube head with a similar cab next to it.

If you don't feel at home yet, if the controls don't react as intuitively as a tube amp, if it doesn't sound like a tube amp and there's something you can't get rid of, something is set up wrong.

Things to check.

1- Global options in the axe, cab block into real cabinet, etc.
2- Something is wired wrong.
3- Levels mismatched. Maybe not enough signal going to the poweramp.
4- Poweramp is not neutral enough. Time to put and eq block after the amp block and compensate until it sound and feels right. Cut here, add there, you name it.
5- Poweramp is crap.

Good luck!
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