Are you using the wrong guitar pick?

The right pick for you helps. Your pick mechanics are important, all depending on what you're trying to accomplish. But the main thing is to play and enjoy it.

I really like my Bluechip BC Jazz 100 for electric and TAD-1R 60 for acoustic. I've used these same 2 picks for many years now, with barely any wear. They stick perfectly once they're warm. Red Bear picks are interesting and have their own thing going, but I get why some people love them. For as great as they stick, V-picks chirp. The Taylor Thermex picks are great. There are no shortage of others to play around with. Find some you like and stick with them.
Maybe if the person in the photo held their pick properly they might find that makes a bigger difference...
I know the post is tongue in cheek, but I gotta say I was using the wrong pick up until a few years ago. Switching to a Jazz III absolutely changed my life to the point it's actually uncomfortable to play with other picks now.
I prefer the edges on Dunlop picks. It’s very noticeable when playing if I’m using another brand.
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