Wish Application Control on my PC for cybersecurity


Hi, running application control software on my PC (Microsoft Intune) this is a cyber security requirement for logging into work.
Basically you cant install software unless it is white listed in a register.
The problem is that when updates for firmware, fractal bot. axe edit etc come out they cant be installed.
The reason is the way that the update writes the temp files.
To get around it we have to bypass the security to do the update then apply it again. Something I cant do myself but needs to be done from IT at work.
It would be great if in the future updates come out that can be easily installed on a PC running application control once the software is already white listed.
Other softwares all have their updates work seemless with software control running. EG Microsoft office, Adobe, Autodesk etc.

My fix was to buy another cheap PC just for my fractal software.

P.S. Using Axe FX3II T
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