Applauding Cliff.

With all of the childish complaining about the Axe-FX II release I can't help but feel bad for Cliff. I wanted to start a thread where people can take a moment out of their day and say something nice about him and his accomplishments, as he deserves it.

I'll start by saying that I have never in my life seen the president of a company show his level of involvement in customer-relations. The way he happily interacts with anyone on this forum, not just Steve Vai and his celebrity customers, and listens to their desires and incorporates them into new updates and new products... amazing.

As a business manager myself I look at his actions and his accomplishments with a high level of respect, and even though my field isn't related to music gear I honestly feel like I have learned something from his stellar example of how to lead a company.

Not to mention the obvious fact he's a genius in his field. Not to mention the obvious fact that he did NOT need to release the Axe-FX II. He could have easily increased the price of the Ultra (supply and demand) and people would have paid extra to get it. Not to mention the obvious fact that he supports domestic manufacturing.

Bottom line, he's one of the single most impressive people I have encountered, and I hope he can ignore the small-minded few that are complaining.

Your efforts are appreciated and looked up to by many of us. Congratulations on this new achievement of yours. It's amazingly exciting news. When I look at the spec sheet for this new wonder you have made I shake my head in amazement at not only the power of this new box, but how you have taken the wishes of your customers and made them into a reality. And the price? Can't beat it.

Cliff, you rock. Thank you for what you've created for us.
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Hey, where'd the Like button go? :?

(can't wait 'til I can view New Posts again :mrgreen)

i.e. ...+1
I wish you would have kept the "thank you Cliff" thread free of name-calling and complaining.

Cliff, I think it's awesome what you've done. As a major gear nerd for 20 years, musician and engineer for that same length of time, and computer programmer for about 25 years, I can honestly say the AxeFx is the single coolest audio product I've had the pleasure of using, and I can appreciate (though not fully imagine) the massive level of complexity in building and maintaining the hardware and firmware involved. I hope you have a blast when you're designing and analyzing and all that jazz. And I hope the business side of things doesn't get too annoying for you.

I wish you would have kept the "thank you Cliff" thread free of name-calling and complaining.

Cliff, I think it's awesome what you've done. As a major gear nerd for 20 years, musician and engineer for that same length of time, and computer programmer for about 25 years, I can honestly say the AxeFx is the single coolest audio product I've had the pleasure of using, and I can appreciate (though not fully imagine) the massive level of complexity in building and maintaining the hardware and firmware involved. I hope you have a blast when you're designing and analyzing and all that jazz. And I hope the business side of things doesn't get too annoying for you.


I call it like I see it. ;) Nothing wrong with highlighting the recent undeserved immaturity and countering those opinions in an attempt to pat someone on the back.
I feel it's the best product(s) (Axe-FX & MFC) of it's type available and I have been very pleased to invest in both the products and the company and hope they have continued success and continue releasing fine world-class products.
Well done Cliff it looks like an excellent product & I wish you all the best of success with it. I'm glad you continue to push the product line forward & I'm sure the Axe II will make many people happy for years to come.
I agree with all of the positive comments made in this thread. Cliff, I really appreciate all that you do for us musicians and for great the service you provide your customers. I'm really looking forward to buying my new Axe FX II!
One paradigm shift would be enough for most people. But no. Not for Cliff.

Thanks for continuing to raise the bar even though nobody else was even approaching the the original Standard you invented just a few years ago.

Bravo to you sir.
With all of the childish complaining about the Axe-FX II release I can't help but feel bad for Cliff. I wanted to start a thread where people can take a moment out of their day and say something nice about him and his accomplishments, as he deserves it.

I'll start by saying that I have never in my life seen the president of a company show his level of involvement in customer-relations. The way he happily interacts with anyone on this forum, not just Steve Vai and his celebrity customers, and listens to their desires and incorporates them into new updates and new products... amazing.

As a business manager myself I look at his actions and his accomplishments with a high level of respect, and even though my field isn't related to music gear I honestly feel like I have learned something from his stellar example of how to lead a company.

Not to mention the obvious fact he's a genius in his field. Not to mention the obvious fact that he did NOT need to release the Axe-FX II. He could have easily increased the price of the Ultra (supply and demand) and people would have paid extra to get it. Not to mention the obvious fact that he supports domestic manufacturing.

Bottom line, he's one of the single most impressive people I have encountered, and I hope he can ignore the small-minded few that are complaining.

Your efforts are appreciated and looked up to by many of us. Congratulations on this new achievement of yours. It's amazingly exciting news. When I look at the spec sheet for this new wonder you have made I shake my head in amazement at not only the power of this new box, but how you have taken the wishes of your customers and made them into a reality. And the price? Can't beat it.

Cliff, you rock. Thank you for what you've created for us.

+ 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With all of the childish complaining about the Axe-FX II release I can't help but feel bad for Cliff. I wanted to start a thread where people can take a moment out of their day and say something nice about him and his accomplishments, as he deserves it.

I'll start by saying that I have never in my life seen the president of a company show his level of involvement in customer-relations. The way he happily interacts with anyone on this forum, not just Steve Vai and his celebrity customers, and listens to their desires and incorporates them into new updates and new products... amazing.

As a business manager myself I look at his actions and his accomplishments with a high level of respect, and even though my field isn't related to music gear I honestly feel like I have learned something from his stellar example of how to lead a company.

Not to mention the obvious fact he's a genius in his field. Not to mention the obvious fact that he did NOT need to release the Axe-FX II. He could have easily increased the price of the Ultra (supply and demand) and people would have paid extra to get it. Not to mention the obvious fact that he supports domestic manufacturing.

Bottom line, he's one of the single most impressive people I have encountered, and I hope he can ignore the small-minded few that are complaining.

Your efforts are appreciated and looked up to by many of us. Congratulations on this new achievement of yours. It's amazingly exciting news. When I look at the spec sheet for this new wonder you have made I shake my head in amazement at not only the power of this new box, but how you have taken the wishes of your customers and made them into a reality. And the price? Can't beat it.

Cliff, you rock. Thank you for what you've created for us.

Spot on!
I'm glad that I can spend my money knowing that is going towards future development of this amazing product.(and I wasted a LOT Of money on things like zoom,boss,line6,digitech,johnson..
yeah,I started early 90's)
I've met Cliff personally and he has gone above and beyond what was expected of him each time. I will gladly give Cliff my business whenever I can. Kudos to Cliff & everyone at FAS.
Cliff is the man. My only problem now is justifying another 2k out of the vault when I told the crypt keeper it was the last guitar related item I would need. Lol. I guess she is used to hearing that by now. I look forward to what you have in store for the future. THANK YOU! Oh oh the cryptkeeper is coming. Gtg
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
By the way FW 11 is amazing. I have noticed improvement in many of the models. Strange because I was happy with 10.5. Just seems easier to get a great sound. I don't have to tweak as much. Thanks

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Sending nothing but good vibes to the Fractal crew on this accomplishment. Let the music do the talking, isn't that why we're all here in the first place...
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I'll say this much. Fractal Audio has single-handedly ended a tone and/or gear search of mine that was, quite frankly, spilling over and negatively affecting other areas of my life. Not only has Fractal Audio probably saved me thousands, maybe even tens of thousands, of dollars over time I would have otherwise spent on gear for tones I can now easily achieve by simply turning a few knobs and pressing a few buttons, but by doing that, it has allowed me to lay that obsession to rest so I can concentrate on the more important things in my life.

I used to lay awake at night and think about how I'd budget for a new amp/pedal/cab or whatever, and think about how it might affect "my sound." Now, every time I think about tone, I'm met with the pleasant notion that I can literally achieve any guitar tone I can dream up with the gear I already own and am familiar with. The Axe-Fx has absolutely taken my quest for tone from something worrying and stressful, and transformed it into nothing but excitement and discovery.

Cliff, there are decent amount of people in the world I'd buy a beer for, but very few people to whom I'd personally deliver a case of their favorite brew. Thanks for being one of those folks! And keep up the great work!

Absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on an Axe-Fx II!
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With all of the childish complaining about the Axe-FX II release I can't help but feel bad for Cliff. I wanted to start a thread where people can take a moment out of their day and say something nice about him and his accomplishments, as he deserves it.

I'll start by saying that I have never in my life seen the president of a company show his level of involvement in customer-relations. The way he happily interacts with anyone on this forum, not just Steve Vai and his celebrity customers, and listens to their desires and incorporates them into new updates and new products... amazing.

As a business manager myself I look at his actions and his accomplishments with a high level of respect, and even though my field isn't related to music gear I honestly feel like I have learned something from his stellar example of how to lead a company.

Not to mention the obvious fact he's a genius in his field. Not to mention the obvious fact that he did NOT need to release the Axe-FX II. He could have easily increased the price of the Ultra (supply and demand) and people would have paid extra to get it. Not to mention the obvious fact that he supports domestic manufacturing.

Bottom line, he's one of the single most impressive people I have encountered, and I hope he can ignore the small-minded few that are complaining.

Your efforts are appreciated and looked up to by many of us. Congratulations on this new achievement of yours. It's amazingly exciting news. When I look at the spec sheet for this new wonder you have made I shake my head in amazement at not only the power of this new box, but how you have taken the wishes of your customers and made them into a reality. And the price? Can't beat it.

Cliff, you rock. Thank you for what you've created for us.

+1 !!!!
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