Anyone try the Ownhammer Rock-Box CNTRY-2007A


So it has been an interesting week spending a lot of money trying out paid IRs from Ownhammer and York, I bought:

  • Ownhammer CNTRY-2007A
  • Ownhammer H30L-2011A
  • Ownhammer V30MV-2001A
  • YA FDMIN 412 M25-V30
  • YA KW 412 M25-SH

I am coming from basically playing Fender amps for years and years clean and getting my dirt from pedals, so with all the greenback, 4x12 cabs, with V30s and everything else something was just not sounding right in my ears, I am sure it sounds great but just did not have the same vibe that my Fender amps have given me until I was watching a sonic drive studio demo and he was going through a bunch of Rock-Box IRs and I heard the CNTRY-2007A, I was like why not, I have already wasted so much $$ haha.

Well, I have to say, I am so impressed with this IR, using the Modern-3 or Classic-3 is just perfect, I have been using it with a JM45 / Smallbox patch and it sounds fantastic, its clear and articulate, tight and modern sounding, it feels a little less mid focused than the above listed IRs yet sits well in a mix and does not really need a ton of cuts to sounds good though it can be a tad bright so I can but at 7500 on the highs.

I never hear anyone talk about this speaker, is it just an oddity and there are others that do the same thing but better? Its a neo-magnet speaker to my understanding which might be why I like it as I was using a Neo-Creamback for a bit and liked the focused tone of that speaker.

I was thinking of trying the Scumback SB75J-PVC IR and maybe the DVNT77-16A.

Came from Fender cleans as well and ended up on the Dirty Shirley/Smallbox. Actually using Dynacab with a Friedman GB/V30 mix. I have the YA DXVB and use it on the Deluxe, but haven't tried it with the Smallbox. I like it a lot though. I've never been disappointed with the York stuff.
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