Anyone tried the S/PDIF input yet ?


Fractal Fanatic
So in order to recreate my most important AX8 patches on he FM9 I used the 4CM to put the AX8 into the FM9 loop but instead of going the analog route I wanted to use the S/PDIF connection (AX8 out-> FM9 in - FM9 out -> Audio interface). I noticed that the signal input coming from the AX8 seems to be distorted by digital clipping. No idea how since that shouldn't be possible when using the digital input. The FM9 was synced on the AX8 as clock source. Anyone else noticed any issues with the FM9 S/PDIF input ?
I have encountered a clipping / distorting sound once while using the FM9 S/PDIF output into the Axe-FX III S/PDIF input. The solution was to clean the connections by removing / inserting them a few times.
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