Anyone successfully using a remote band practice system in 2024?


Fractal Fanatic
Is anyone having success using any remote collaboration systems to have a band practice over the web? @2112 was a fan of Elk, but are they still active? I can't find where to purchase their bridge hardware any more. There are other things like Jam Kazam, Jamulus, etc.

Is anyone using a system with any degree of success (assuming a fast/fiber connection)? Thanks for any experiences!
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Is anyone having success using any remote collaboration systems to have a band practice over the web? @2112 was a fan of Elk, but are they still active? I can't find where to purchase their bridge hardware any more. There are other things like Jam Kazam, Jamulus, etc.

Is anyone using a system with any degree of success (assuming a fast/fiber connection)? Thanks for any experiences!
Using solocontutti. I am not affiliated with it in any way. It is free.

Works great with fractal fm3/9, and with audio interfaces.

I play with 4 others and we are on the same fibre network provider (bell fibe) and within 100km of each other. We have been using it for several years and it’s a godsend. Jitter is not too bad mostly but there are bad days. You need to play wired to the internet not on wifi.
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