Anyone re amping with FM3 and Apollo X8 and Luna?


New Member
I only got the FM3 yesterday and I am really enjoying it so far....I have less than 15 days to decide whether it will stay.

So far, playing it sounds great. Feels great under the fingers...unlike every other modeller or plug in I have used (amlitube, helix hard and soft, POD, neural etc etc)

My biggest hurdle is re amping.

I use the Apollo X8 and Luna on Mac. That is not going to change.

I have read the threads and stickies on re amping and the 5 different methods recommend.

I also gave aggregate devices a go.. but its not going to work for me because of Apollo and Luna and overdubbing into larger projects etc

ATM I am able to sort of get there by:

Record the DI of my playing via SPDIF and the WET Sound out of the FM3 via analog out.

I do this by in FM3 EDIT creating a shunt from IP 1 going all the way across under the blocks of amp cab OP 2 and setting OP2 in the FM3 to spdif.

So that gives me my dry and effected signal on two tracks in LUNA and works brilliantly. Great.

Now to reamp. I send the DI I recorded in LUNA out of a Line Output of the Apollo, into a reamp box, then back into the FM3 Input 1. I do this to get the level down to what a guitar level would be. I can adjust the level using the reamp box.
Then I record that back into Luna same as when originally tracking via the analog outputs of the FM3.

Anyone doing this with this gear? You got a better way than I am doing atm....

Its been a long day trying to work this out.

Would having the FM9 or AXE III make this any easier? Using the SPDIF IN available on those units....

I really can't use the USB portion of these devices due to the way LUNA works.

thanks in advance

I think you're doing everything you can with the FM3.
Just as a side note, you can reamp the way you do but using spdif to avoid conversions.

Reading through the lines it appears that the FM3 is aimed more to "playing" opposed to FM9 and AXE that can handle the studio more "efficiently".

In my amateur use case the FM3 is enough both for live and studio but I'm taking advance of the aggregated devices... so I have all hooked up (usb, analog, spdif, etc...) being able to play and re-amp without changing anything (I'm using Reaper as a DAW).

If you're a professional and can afford the big brothers... just do it ;)
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