Anyone not using a Marshall for their Marshall tones


So I went down the Cheap Trick rabbit hole…
And used the deluxe reverb vib… 7 on gain 4 and 4 and 10 on master….model and basically added the Rivera mod… fat switch and input boost 808 mod @10 and sat on at 1.5
Into a 4x12… and bam… budukan…
So I went down the Cheap Trick rabbit hole…
And used the deluxe reverb vib… 7 on gain 4 and 4 and 10 on master….model and basically added the Rivera mod… fat switch and input boost 808 mod @10 and sat on at 1.5
Into a 4x12… and bam… budukan…
Whats the Rivera mod?
With so many great boutique, Marshall inspired choices it's easy to sleep on the actual modern Marshalls - but don't! They are well dialed in. I often gig with them. They sit in the mix so well.

An aside - a good chunk of people only think they know what the Marshall rock sound is I find. They never played a loud Marshall, with its good and equally annoying traits.

I learned years ago that a real 800 stack, bone stock, running wide open sounds sorta awful in isolation. Seriously. Not enough bass in the right places, barky mids, a little too bright in the wrong places... I didn't love it as I expected to vs my idealized dream of Marshall... and I also learned that exact same rig with no tweaks or boosts sounded amazing in a full band mix with bass, drums and vocals.

There's a real lesson there that applies to any Marshall sound, virtual or otherwise.
If I want Marshall tones, a Marshall model is the best option IMO. The knock on the physical amps, and the reason a lot of boutique variants gained popularity, is Marshall's history of being unreliable. Whether it's warranted or not, it's a big reason a lot of players avoided Marshall amps. Models don't break so there's really no reason not to use them, unless there's something about a Marshall variant that provides something different you prefer.
For Marshall tones I only use Marshalls, I tried others, you can come close but the feel is so different.

And the Marshall are so great in fractal land so why bother.
I have presets of almost all of the Marshall inspired amps, along with the Marshalls, mostly the vintage ones.
For Marshall tones I only use Marshalls, I tried others, you can come close but the feel is so different.

And the Marshall are so great in fractal land so why bother.
Yeah, traditional reasons to get Marshall tones out of other amps is due to things like having to crank a plexi or JCM 800 to get the goods. That and needing more gain.
With Fractal those issues aren't really there.
So the need to use something else to get a Marshall tone isn't really there.
Yeah, traditional reasons to get Marshall tones out of other amps is due to things like having to crank a plexi or JCM 800 to get the goods. That and needing more gain.
With Fractal those issues aren't really there.
So the need to use something else to get a Marshall tone isn't really there.
yeah I get it…
I was watching the cheap trick rig rundown… and thought …I can make that with the fractal… it just sounds very marshally…but so does a cranked tweed…I usually use the 6ca7… and they sound very close … mids feel a little different that is all
My pref for Marshalls has been the JTM45 (Brit JM45) and the 2203/2204 Green/Blue/Red. The JM45 is a great place to begin sculpting a clean to lead tone, with as much crunch as you might want for modestly overdriven sounds. Add a Grey SD or ZenMaster drive to goose it a touch, and your rig will sing.

Likewise, build upon a 2203 Green for cleans and amp up to a 2204 Blue or Red for singing lead. Fewer effects required to obtain singing lead territory.

I've not tried anything close to what the OP suggested regards the Rivera mod. It sounds tempting, but Cheap Trick tone is a signature tone only Cheap Trick fans can love.
I like the friedman BE v1. I LOVE the 59 and the 50w/100w SL but the low end is so smushy that for the music i do it just doesnt work. For me the BE gets the smushy character i want but the low end is still relatively put together.
My pref for Marshalls has been the JTM45 (Brit JM45) and the 2203/2204 Green/Blue/Red. The JM45 is a great place to begin sculpting a clean to lead tone, with as much crunch as you might want for modestly overdriven sounds. Add a Grey SD or ZenMaster drive to goose it a touch, and your rig will sing.

Likewise, build upon a 2203 Green for cleans and amp up to a 2204 Blue or Red for singing lead. Fewer effects required to obtain singing lead territory.

I've not tried anything close to what the OP suggested regards the Rivera mod. It sounds tempting, but Cheap Trick tone is a signature tone only Cheap Trick fans can love.
The cheap trick tone…is a good pop/rock tone … for sure… I was more curious how close I could come to it with a few koi or tweaks in a fractal…

Same with Jose modded marshalls… a few tweaks and bam…
The cheap trick tone…is a good pop/rock tone … for sure… I was more curious how close I could come to it with a few koi or tweaks in a fractal…

Same with Jose modded marshalls… a few tweaks and bam…
There are exceptions...the Plexi 100W Treble/Normal/Jumped while working on an EJ-style tone. That and the 1959 SLP. A combination of both can produce massive heavy leads with good cabs. Just dial in with LT's or JNC's YT video examples.
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