Anyone gotten the dreaded Error 43 and fixed it?


I found out none of my computers, mac or windows will recognize my fractal fm3 so I have no usb communication. I tried not only multiple computers, but multiple cables that used to work as well to no avail. Anyone know if this is a definite hardware error at this point? I live in AZ and the usb was plugged in to a desktop that was in sleep mode during a lighting storm. Might have been that cause my cable modem wan port fried in the other room. Any suggestions?

this is the error I consistently get and it shows unrecognized device in the device manager dialogue on windows too:

are all of your machines running windows? are you able to try a mac?
were there windows updates that occurred?
Have you tried re-installing the driver?
just trying to rule everything else out.
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I would start by process of elimination. First verify that the computer(s) you've used to connect aren't the problem.

If the computers are functional with USB, then the problem is most likely the 3. If that's the case, then contact support.
I know that @Joe Bfstplk is in AZ and had an Axe Fx III fried by lightning... Don't remember if it was only USB or the main board.

Yup. Insurance replaced it.

Lightning hit the neighbors' roof and the power company transformer just outside my office window at about 6am. I was half-asleep, sitting on the loo, and sleepily thinking about returning to bed for a nice hurkle-durkle, and...
Before I knew what happened, I was suddenly in mid-air.

It was the USB board. Fractal was able to replace that and there was no other damage.
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