Any upgrade options for recent purchasers?


Fractal Fanatic
The Axe II sounds amazing and not to be a downer, but will there be any trade-in/upgrade/grace period, etc. for those who just purchased an Axe-Fx? In my case for instance, I just laid out all my resources on an Ultra system less than a month ago and would have waited had I known about this of course.

If you bought less than a month ago you're still within the 30 day evaluation window. You can just return yours. Those of us who bought just outside that window are the ones in a crummy situation, not you. You're still in the evaluation period. Can just say you don't like it (right? Lol) and then get the new one. I envy you.
Oh man, I coulda swore it was 30. Well I don't envy you then, I massively empathize with you. Only difference probably is your situation stings more cause it's closer to that 15 days, but mine stings more cause I've spent most of the past two months making the Ultra be the heart of my rig after 20 years of amps-n-cabs and 10 years of being a hardcore tube amp lover (and mod'er). So it's probably tough to say which of us is bummimg harder right now.

Wishing I woulda sold mine on eBay two weeks ago. Argh.
I got mine 36 days ago lol... Sadly from the 31st of march to april 11th My band went on tour so I have spent literally 25 days using my Ultra. I'm an atheist and I'm praying for compensation haha....
I bought my Ultra less than a year ago, and am still paying it off lol This happens all the time in other markets, but is especially painful with the new Axe for some reason! Look what Cliff has done to us...
Lots of times in other markets you know something new is on its way haha...
With apple for example you know for longer than a month something new is on its way.
I've had my ultra for 36 days.
Well, that's life guys. Imagine buying a Macbook pro or something. Those cost close to $2000 as well. And within a few months, a new one will be out.

I'll complete 1 year exactly to this month of owning an ULTRA. But, now that I'm into investing in stocks and bonds, I don't think I'll invest in an Axe-fx II. But who knows? GAS is an evil evil thing!
The difference is when a new mac book is coming at the very least there are rumors several months in advance. There were no rumors of a new unit from fractal. If there would have been I would have waited.
The difference is when a new mac book is coming at the very least there are rumors several months in advance. There were no rumors of a new unit from fractal. If there would have been I would have waited.

Same here :(

I've had mine just a hair under 3 weeks.

But -- at the same time, I realize that technology moves fast. I just happened to have had bad timing when ordering my Ultra. I'm sure there are folks who have had their Ultras for 4 months now that would've held out for the Axe FX 2 had they known it would be coming out in a few months. That could've temporarily hurt sales for Fractal so I understand why they chose to reveal it like they did.

The thing that hurts most is knowing that I've literally lost hundreds of dollars just now. I probably could've sold my Ultra for close to the price I bought it at about a week ago, and now with the increase in used Ultras hitting the classifieds it isn't worth as much if I did decide I wanted to upgrade to an Axe FX 2.

But I digress.. I still love the hell out of my Ultra and I will cherish it for months 8). When money permits, I'll get an AFX 2 and the Ultra will just be my backup!
So true...

Same here :(

I've had mine just a hair under 3 weeks.

But -- at the same time, I realize that technology moves fast. I just happened to have had bad timing when ordering my Ultra. I'm sure there are folks who have had their Ultras for 4 months now that would've held out for the Axe FX 2 had they known it would be coming out in a few months. That could've temporarily hurt sales for Fractal so I understand why they chose to reveal it like they did.

The thing that hurts most is knowing that I've literally lost hundreds of dollars just now. I probably could've sold my Ultra for close to the price I bought it at about a week ago, and now with the increase in used Ultras hitting the classifieds it isn't worth as much if I did decide I wanted to upgrade to an Axe FX 2.

But I digress.. I still love the hell out of my Ultra and I will cherish it for months 8). When money permits, I'll get an AFX 2 and the Ultra will just be my backup!
The difference is when a new mac book is coming at the very least there are rumors several months in advance. There were no rumors of a new unit from fractal. If there would have been I would have waited.

And that's part of the problem with them letting info out. Probably a lot of people would have waited, and that wouldn't exactly do much good for FAS' sales. They're still a business and they still have to make money.

What it would do though is create a whole lot of, "I didn't buy an Axe-FX coz I heard there's a new one coming, but it still isn't out yet! I've been waiting for months!! WTF?!?! I would have bought a [whateverthefuck] if I knew it was going to take this long!" Do we remember how the MFC thing went? Given how much of a drama that was, I'm not surprised they chose to keep this one under wraps until the last minute. Doing it the way they chose to, they could work on it for however long they needed to, and then once it's all done and ready for manufacture (or, I'm guessing by the 1-2 week ship date for the first units, already well into manufacturing) then announce the product.
A month or so unveiling isn't very much to ask for. I think 2 to 3 months is quite reasonable to at least acknowledge a new piece of hardware is being developed. That way people will still buy because they do not know how long until the new unit is released and may not want to wait. Where as others can be more weary. I don't see the issue with a trade-up offer to customers who bought with in a recent window of time either. Of course this issue hasn't been addressed yet and everything is just speculation. But, I do believe it would be very positive in the area of customer relations to offer some compensation for buyers in the last couple of months.
A month or so unveiling isn't very much to ask for. I think 2 to 3 months is quite reasonable to at least acknowledge a new piece of hardware is being developed. That way people will still buy because they do not know how long until the new unit is released and may not want to wait. Where as others can be more weary. I don't see the issue with a trade-up offer to customers who bought with in a recent window of time either. Of course this issue hasn't been addressed yet and everything is just speculation. But, I do believe it would be very positive in the area of customer relations to offer some compensation for buyers in the last couple of months.

Two to three months could be quite significant for all you know. It's one thing to say what would have been nice from the customers' point of view, but again, they are still a business.

And as for a "trade-up" offer, as far as I can tell this essentially would mean they have to take back a whole bunch of units and then re-sell them as b-stock units. If they went ahead with anything like this, I'd be amazed at the display of generosity. :|
I think after the first excitement as well as huff one should regard some issues more objectivily:
Firmware 11 proves that FA keeps enhancing the now 'vintage' ;-) Axe-Fxs.
All Axe-Fxs still share the same processor, so the vintage Axe-Fxs can receive as much of the new algorithms as possible in the future.
Soundwise the Axe-Fx II will not be that much ahead, therefore.
I wonder how many of the Ultra users really have reached the limits of the Ultra?

So, yes, you will loose some money when selling a vintage Axe-Fx in the future.
But, no, you will not have an inferior sounding device by keeping a vintage Axe-Fx.
Well, that's life guys. Imagine buying a Macbook pro or something. Those cost close to $2000 as well. And within a few months, a new one will be out.

The difference is that when a new Mac comes out they don't make the new operating system exclusive to only the brand spanking new top of the line Mac Pro & leave all of their existing customer's machines to stagnate. The software is available for all to purchase (or download for free in some cases) regardless of what generation machine they are running. ...Apple also offer a buy-back scheme by the way (I really don't understand all of the Apple resentment that seems to go on around here).
Well; I still am happy with the Ultra, that I have for just one year now. It would be great if there would be a trade-in option as I have to admit that the new unit does have some features that look like it were Cliff has invented "the missing link" ! I'm not talking about SOUND features, the AxeFx is already great and I guess with version 11 it will be even better, but mainly about the interface issues like headphones, direct access buttons, and the USB interface & recording options. Yes, definitely we stuck with the best !
Congratulations to FA !
All Axe-Fxs still share the same processor, so the vintage Axe-Fxs can receive as much of the new algorithms as possible in the future
So much to read here. Maybe I'm wrong with my assumption after reading other's assumptions. But that would be a welcome compensation for current Ultra users.
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