Any 'modern' hi-gain demos?

As some others have already said, the previous Axe's were very capable of a wide range of great high gain tones. It just depended on your "tweaking" ability/familiarity of the unit, and level of patience. I have no doubt the Axe-II will be just as capable at the very least. For what it's worth, here's an mp3
from an album I recorded in 2007 using an Axe-FX standard with a very early version firmware (4.05). All guitar tracks (rythm, clean, lead) were recorded direct to PC via Cubase. The bass was also recorded using the Axe-FX with a sansamp bass preamp in front.
Severed Savior - Question.mp3 - 6.47MB
Reminds me a lot of The Faceless. Really good (I've just registred only to respond you, so, this is my first post ;-).
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