Any love for room IRs?? Tip of the day;)


So I’ve been searching for my guitar tone forever it seems, I’m that guy who feels like the guitar plays by itself when the sound is THERE… You just have a big smile on your face and want to play more! As you all know there’s a IR jungle out there. The factory IRs are great, but I never got it right… Enter 3d party IRs, and the giant rabbit hole… Mixing with Cab-lab and so on for hours - and the chops went down the drain;). Lots of clicking and searching and nada playing. So I finally asked myself: what am I really after?? As a fan of the signature tones of Allan Holdsworth, Scott Henderson, Eric Johnson, Jeff Beck and EVH I made a playlist with some of their greatest moments. To me, this is The Tone: Bo Fat with Scott Henderson.

Tried Tone matching but that didn’t work out. Enter room IRs, I found that the max-res room IRs from York Audio lighted a spark. But they were too CPU intensive and weren’t quite right. So I tried a couple of different Vendors room IRs in ultrares and settled on a pair of Celestion IRs. However I EQd them in Logic a fair bit to get rid of some high and mid, plus I post cab EQd in the Axefx3. I love the result! I got more attack and more sizzle and fatness which I was after anyway.
Without Fractal Axefx 3 and the great community I don’t think this would have been possible. What a tool! Have you had any luck with room IRs?

Greetings from Sweden, ebbot

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