Another 50hz Hum Question


Just rejigged things in the studio, I believe I had this issue before and just ignored it but its bothering me.

I'd like to use the Axe FX III in the FX loop of the Ampete 444 switcher. Currently using Output/Input 4 for the loop.

No matter what, I'm getting loud 50hz Hum. This is even without a guitar plugged in.

I get hum if:

  • the Ampete is on or off
  • using any combination of humbuster cables or standard TS instrument cables
  • whether the units are both plugged into the same power outlet or not
  • using the 2 different ground lifts on the Ampete
  • using the ground lift on the Axe FX
  • Whether AC Line Frequency is 50 or 60hz

The only way I can significantly reduce the hum to almost nothing is to use a Lehle Line Isolator between the Ampete and Axe FX. This seems a bit excessive given the range of options between the 2. I could try a buffered pedal between the 2 as well, but again it seems a bit excessive if there is a better way.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
I have the same issue interfacing the FM9 with a tube amp.

I build my own 1:1 isolation transformer(s) using Edcor 10k (several impedances available) 20Hz-20kHz transformers to kill any ground loop hum that humbusters won't fix. They are massive compared to the usual commercially available ground loop isolators. I may do a tutorial on this soon.

Here is the link:
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