Amp sim request - Clarus (solid state, for us jazzers)

Clarus amp sim?

  • Yes, that'd be cool.

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Fractal Fanatic
This is probably not for most of you, but for us jazzers it might be nice to have more choices in the solid-state jazz amp realm.
The Acoustic Image Clarus heads have a great clean sound for jazz. The preamps don't have much in the way of a sparkly top end for playing anything other than jazz though. The power amps are exceptionally warm sounding (Class D?) for solid-state amps. The heads work real well for straight-ahead jazz, much better than any JC120 I've ever played.

Clarus amps are often paired with Raezer's Edge speaker cabs, the most popular and versatile being the Stealth 12 cabinet. So a sim of this cab might be nice too.
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