Amp MV & Level... Is there a mathematical formula?


Is there some mathematical formula to tie amp MV to the level (as modifiers) so as the MV is increased/decreased, the level adjust to compensate?
I'm also assuming that a formula would be amp dependent.
It can be a pain when evaluating different MV settings while needing to adjust the level to get back to roughly 0dB.
I also could very well be overthinking this and there is an easier solution.
Thanks for any input.
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Is there some mathematical formula to tie amp MV to the level (as modifiers) so as the MV is increased/decreased, the level adjust to compensate?
If you're asking whether such relationships could be graphed? Yes, they could be. Math is vast and powerful. However, the relationship between MASTER and VOLUME is very variable depending on many other things. This makes the math mightily monstrous for mere mortals (manifestly, me.) And we're not even considering Fletcher Munsen!

So you can SEE what I mean, here are some screen captures of recording made in Logic. They shows the amplitude of a test signal into a 5153 Stealth 100W Green. The amp's Master volume is being increased from 0 to 10 in a linear fashion using MIDI. Compare the different ways the output signal responds as I adjust various controls on the amp. I also include a linear sweep of amp LEVEL so you can at least see where you're starting from.


Here's an overlay.

If you're asking whether such relationships could be graphed? Yes, they could be. Math is vast and powerful. However, the relationship between MASTER and VOLUME is very variable depending on many other things. This makes the math mightily monstrous for mere mortals (manifestly, me.) And we're not even considering Fletcher Munsen!

So you can SEE what I mean, here are some screen captures of recording made in Logic. They shows the amplitude of a test signal into a 5153 Stealth 100W Green. The amp's Master volume is being increased from 0 to 10 in a linear fashion using MIDI. Compare the different ways the output signal responds as I adjust various controls on the amp. I also include a linear sweep of amp LEVEL so you can at least see where you're starting from.

View attachment 142048

Here's an overlay.
View attachment 142049


Yikes. I figured it was gonna be messy.
Thanks for the details.
If you're asking whether such relationships could be graphed? Yes, they could be. Math is vast and powerful. However, the relationship between MASTER and VOLUME is very variable depending on many other things. This makes the math mightily monstrous for mere mortals (manifestly, me.) And we're not even considering Fletcher Munsen!

So you can SEE what I mean, here are some screen captures of recording made in Logic. They shows the amplitude of a test signal into a 5153 Stealth 100W Green. The amp's Master volume is being increased from 0 to 10 in a linear fashion using MIDI. Compare the different ways the output signal responds as I adjust various controls on the amp. I also include a linear sweep of amp LEVEL so you can at least see where you're starting from.

View attachment 142048

Here's an overlay.
View attachment 142049

Love this.
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