Amp/Cab Channel keeps switching I change scenes


Hi All

I am not quite sure how to phrase this, so I apologize if this question has been asked. I am running into an issue with my preset and can't figure it out for the life of me.

I have One amp block, one cab block.

Amp Channel A: Band Commander
Amp Channel B: Wrecker Express

Cab Channel A: Band Commander cab
Cab Channel B; Wrecker cab

I have three scenes set up:

1. Band Commander Base (using Amp/Cab Channel A)
2. Wrecker Base (using Amp/Cab Channel B)
3. Band Commander +3db and add slapback (using Amp/Cab Channel A)

The preset is saved fine. When I enter it, the channels are in their right place per scene. However, the minute I switch to scene 2, and then go back to Scene 1 or 3, it has changed Amp Channel A to Amp Channel B.

Has anyone else run into this? Fwiw, I tried a preset downloaded from axechange that uses different amp channels per scene and, for some reason, that one works fine.

It sounds like you need to save the scene in the state you want it in when you switch to that scene.
I believe that is what I did. I created a scene, saved, moved on to next scene, changed channels etc, saved again.

When I first open the preset, they are saved correctly. Once I move to scene 2 then back to scene 1, it changes the amp channel on scene 1 to channel b.
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