Wish Amp Block Input Drive Control Switching - Different Min and Max Value Per Channel

Cam Heiliger

When adding a control switch to the amp block to control input gain, it would be awesome to be able to have the same foot pedal control different ranges of min and max values by channel. For example, I use a patch with the Band Commander, Deluxe Reverb, AC20, and Small Box - they all have very different input drive levels for the "sweet spot" that I use and I would love to be able to run a different min and max for each of them using the same control switch, set to either sweep the ranges with a foot pedal, or by scene controller. My understanding is that currently, I could only set them all up to have the exact same minimum and maximum input drive values. Is that correct? Thanks!
Yes, currently you get one set of modifier settings per control. You can have those settings apply to all channels or any one channel.

Expanding your concept, it would be awesome to be able to set up all modifiers with different settings per channel.

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