Am I understanding Scene Ignore correctly?


I wanted to clarify my understanding of SCENE IGNORE...

When setting SCENE IGNORE "ON" on a BLOCK'S CHANNEL (e.g., channel A) ... anytime I switch to SCENES with the same BLOCK and CHANNEL setting, this will cause the BLOCK and CHANNEL to remain in a "fixed" parameter state regardless of SCENE changes that have the "same" BLOCK and CHANNEL? This would be similar to having an external pedal that never changes between SCENES but can be switched on/off?

I'm correct in my understanding, maybe this will help others in a FAQ section. It's easier for to think of it like setting up an external pedal that is accessible from SCENE-to-SCENE when the BLOCK and CHANNEL selection are the same.... IF I am understanding correctly. I could be wrong too. ;)
Doesn't sound quite right. It boils down to this. If you happen to hit a block whose channel has scene ignore enabled, then you won't be able to get that block out of that channel with Scenes again. It will ignore all scene changes. That channel will persist across all scenes now regardless of what the scene has defined.

To get out of this, you'll need to change the channel manually (FC/MIDI, etc). Hopefully the below quote will help this make more sense. It's also in the manual.

Example: Channels A, B, and C of a drive block have Scene Ignore turned OFF. They work in the classic manner, and you can program your scenes to control bypass/engage and change channel. Meanwhile, channel D has Scene Ignore ON. If any scene selects Channel D (or if you switch to D using a footswitch or any other means) the block will stop responding to further scene commands. The “radio” is off. In this state, the block can still be switched manually using FC footswitches, MIDI, etc.—just like a fully independent pedal or amp could be. If you manually switch the block back to A,B, or C where Scene Ignore is OFF, it will again begin to “listen” to scene instructions.
With Scene Ignore enabled, a block operates outside of the usual automatic control by scenes. A block with Scene Ignore ON can still be bypassed/engaged or change channels when you use a footswitch, or any other means of “manual” control—just like a fully independent pedal or amp could be. Once you turn Scene Ignore ON for the current channel, this DISCONNECTS that block from the way scenes normally change the block's channel or bypass state.
Thanks for the response Admins!
I am reading the manual, and I can be thick, so don't take offense if I say, I don't see the difference in what I said, you said, and the manual says? Again, just trying to understand - bare with me.

I'm interpreting it as: the BLOCK/CHANNEL(D), can never be changed by other SCENES throughout using the same BLOCK/CHANNEL combination, though it can be switch ON/OFF. It's fixed and acts like an external pedal (so-to-speak). CHANNELS A, B, C for the same BLOCK still can be changed by other SCENES. It doesn't say it stops working, it just says other SCENES can't make changes. The "Radio is off" - it cannot communicate changes.

If any scene selects Channel D (or if you switch to D using a footswitch or any other means) the block will stop responding to further scene commands. The “radio” is off. In this state, the block can still be switched manually using FC footswitches, MIDI, etc.—just like a fully independent pedal or amp could be.
I'm not confident that we are understanding each other, because you are introducing new unnecessary complexity into the explanation.

1. Once Scene Ignore is set to ON, nothing else matters. No Scene is able to change that block's channel or bypass state, period.

2. You can manually switch a block's bypass state or channel at any time.
I wanted to clarify my understanding of SCENE IGNORE...

When setting SCENE IGNORE "ON" on a BLOCK'S CHANNEL (e.g., channel A) ... anytime I switch to SCENES with the same BLOCK and CHANNEL setting, this will cause the BLOCK and CHANNEL to remain in a "fixed" parameter state regardless of SCENE changes that have the "same" BLOCK and CHANNEL? This would be similar to having an external pedal that never changes between SCENES but can be switched on/off?

I'm correct in my understanding, maybe this will help others in a FAQ section. It's easier for to think of it like setting up an external pedal that is accessible from SCENE-to-SCENE when the BLOCK and CHANNEL selection are the same.... IF I am understanding correctly. I could be wrong too. ;)
Seems like your assumption is that the ignore only works when a scene has the same block and channel chosen, and you are thinking that parameters are frozen.

My understanding is that regardless of what may be programmed into scenes in terms of block enable and channel, the scenes will not have any effect at all on the block that is set to ignore. So if a drive set for IGNORE is enabled and set to channel A, all scenes will come up with that drive block enabled on channel A, regardless of what enable status and channel the scene may call for. So you get channel A enabled on all scenes.
Seems like your assumption is that the ignore only works when a scene has the same block and channel chosen, and you are thinking that parameters are frozen.

My understanding is that regardless of what may be programmed into scenes in terms of block enable and channel, the scenes will not have any effect at all on the block that is set to ignore. So if a drive set for IGNORE is enabled and set to channel A, all scenes will come up with that drive block enabled on channel A, regardless of what enable status and channel the scene may call for. So you get channel A enabled on all scenes.
Yeah, I think you are correctly understanding my thoughts here. I would just add to my understanding the manual doesn't say for the entire Block but states that the Drive's remaining channels are unaffected and programmable. Only Drive Channel A (or D in manual) cannot be changed by any existing or future scenes. If that channel cannot be changed but still used, then it must be in a fixed parameter state, otherwise, what's the point.

And I agree with Admin M's points too. I don't disagree at all.
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With Scene Ignore enabled, a block operates outside of the usual automatic control by scenes. A block with Scene Ignore ON can still be bypassed/engaged or change channels when you use a footswitch, or any other means of “manual” control—just like a fully independent pedal or amp could be. Once you turn Scene Ignore ON for the current channel, this DISCONNECTS that block from the way scenes normally change the block's channel or bypass state.
Hence the name 'Scene Ignore'......icon_biggrin.gif
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