Wish Allow per tap LFO depth and phase in the Multitap Delay blocks


Fractal Fanatic
Allow configuring the LFO depth and phase for each of the taps/delay lines in the Multitap delay block.

For example, if you use the quad parallel delay type, it would be great to have controls for LFO1A/B/C/D depth and LFO2A/B/C/D depth (kinda like what it's done for the Trichorus in the chorus block, where we can control the modulation depth for each delay line).

Similarly it would be great to have individial phase controls for each of the taps - for example I imagine LFO1A/B/C/D controls for phase, so you can arbitrarily select the phase use for a particular delay line - for example - you may choose that Delay 1 and Delay 3 modulation is 90 degrees out of phase, but Delay 3 and 4 modulation are maybe 45 deg out of phase with each other or any other arbitrary combination.
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