Wish Allow External Control "Initial Value" on the perform page


Please allow to add the "External Control initial value" to the perform page as a way to have a global adjustable modifier


This is based on a problem I ran into live:
the FOH decided that he wanted the guitar signal to be microphoned by himself. Using one microphone (SM57) and a V30 based box, I ran into the problem that I needed a little bit more gain on all higain amp channels. I am using a "one preset/song" approach (it's too hard with some sidechaining stuff to fit everything into one preset, and also helps getting the stuff to the FM3) I need to change the gain value for all amps by hand.

My current approach is to assign an external controller to the input block "Output" value which I can use to boost the signal. (I use the input trim parameter to adjust the gain without changing the sound, so assigning the controller there don’t work). The initial value works global, so I have no need to adjust the modifier in all presets, giving me the opportunity to increase the gain for specific amp channels. „Input Gain“ is sadly not an option, since it affects also my clean channels.

In order to have this more accessible it would be cool to get the "External Control initial value" to the perform page, so there is no need to remember where to find the initial value setting and have an easy tweakable access to this global parameter without diving through menus.
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