Wish Add "switches combination functions" Pressing 1+2 or 2+3

Not a fan of this, because it's error prone.
If the switches aren't pressed exactly at the same time, one is missed and the other activates its HOLD function.
+1. I've had other modelers do this (actually my GR-55 does it as well). If anyone has concerns about it being error prone, then just don't use it. ;)
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+1 actually.

That sort of action is officially supported as the way to bring up the master layout menu (if it's not disabled), so it can't be that unreliable.

Personally I wouldn't use it for common actions, but it might let you free up a less frequently used press or hold switch for something else.
Not a fan of this, because it's error prone.
If the switches aren't pressed exactly at the same time, one is missed and the other activates its HOLD function.
Fair point, although we're really only talkig about a few ms in difference unless I'm a huge clutz. Even in that case, I can always adjust my hold time to compensate. Or perhaps if this function is assigned then the hold function automatically elongates a little to prevent accidental hold function operation.

+1; not because I really need it, but because more versatility is always good and it would be just one more reason to be able to brag about how great the FM3 is and how versatile even just three footswitches can be; this would effectively add two additional tap/hold functions, effectively turning it into an FM5!
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