Wish Add Send CC capability to tap tempo button

Funny how a bunch of people will applaud this request while someone considered to be a n00b (also using some pedals) was very recently "bashed" with "What's wrong with using the effects in the FM?", reacted understandably, then got met with the classic ganging up, backpedaling, virtue signaling and (IMHO) mindless thread closedown... A similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago. Some of the same two or three people seem always involved...
I would prefer if the forum of a favorite company could get rid of its bad name and easy to find reports about such cases... The origin usually lies in the first few messages — pretty easy to diagnose and show some understanding and humanity towards people that are not always "n00bs" and have often spent many thousands with Fractal...

If the commenter is consequent, the same question should turn up here... holding breath, ready to die ;)
(I have no beef with the commenter; he is not part of the 2–3)

Some of my replies to such comment would be...
  • Try to address the actual question (or formulate the comment in a nicer way that can not be taken wrongly)
  • A Fractal does not do everything in the world
  • ... making that some external devices can also add "personality" or signature sound to a rig
  • ... or can make more CPU available in the Fractal
  • [specifically re. the locked thread] The chance of someone not knowing a Fractal is also an FX warehouse is extremely small. That potential is only just big enough to then hide behind (which is what happened in that thread, to validate the comment). If you want that comment to be understood well, then also understand it can be taken wrongly the way you word it.
BTW, I too applaud this wish. I figured these were basics that were already in Gen 1 (not a criticism; simply what I thought)
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