Active or passive tone control?


Having just lost my axe-fx virginity (received my ultra yesterday), i have been going through all the presets, reading the manual and having a general play around to try and get familiar with this kit.
Im at the stage of messing about tweaking some of the presets and i notice there is an option between active or passive tone controls.

Now, I know it really doesnt matter and in the end im just tweaking by ear to achieve a sound im after but Im interested to find out which type of control fellow owners use. I can see both advantages and disadvantages of both methods, whether you want old school true interaction like the actual amps or the ability to see exactly how much boost of a certain frequency you have, but what do you use and which do you find the most pratical?
I'm a Passive convert.
I love the Active controls in theory, but the Passive versions nearly always sound more "musical" to me.
And besides, it's fun to give one amp another's tonestack, just because you can. :D

In case you or anyone reading the thread hasn't already run across it, you can set the Amp block's default tonestack type from the first page (Config) of the Global menu.
Passive for anything vintage.... it just sounds and behaves like a real amp.
Active if you need to "over power and radically change" things.

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