Activating/deactivating 2 blocks with 1 switch?

I'm using an FX-III and an FC-12. (How) can I activate/deactivate two effect blocks simultaneously by just pressing one footswitch?
I have now solved the problem by setting up a control switch as suggested. I noticed, however, that the effect blocks are bypassed by default when the footswitch to which I have assigned the CS lights up, and the blocks are activated then the light is off. Is this 'standard' behavior or can I change the 'direction' of the CS? As a workaround, I have set the start value of the modifiers to 100% and the end value to 0%, which results in a negative slope of the modifier curve and effectively swaps the action of the switch.

BTW: (how) can I display the functions of all control switches assigned in a specific preset, including those that do not modify block settings but send MIDI messages only?
I have now solved the problem by setting up a control switch as suggested. I noticed, however, that the effect blocks are bypassed by default when the footswitch to which I have assigned the CS lights up, and the blocks are activated then the light is off. Is this 'standard' behavior or can I change the 'direction' of the CS? As a workaround, I have set the start value of the modifiers to 100% and the end value to 0%, which results in a negative slope of the modifier curve and effectively swaps the action of the switch.

It's in the modifier settings. What you did works, but the other way is this:


You just swap "bypassed" and "engaged" under parameter range.

BTW: (how) can I display the functions of all control switches assigned in a specific preset, including those that do not modify block settings but send MIDI messages only?

On the PC editor, Controllers > Modifiers will show a list that applies to the preset...not sure about MIDI messages.
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