A shout out to M@

Just wanted to do a quick post thanking Matt for his spectacular support. I'm completely new to amp modeling, effect chains, sound manipulation, etc. (i'm talkin' remedial, folks haha)
and he went out of his way to rectify any problems I had and explain to me in very comprehensive terms how each aspect worked in response to any questions I had.
Definitely was a really cool guy in general. I knew that when I bought this amp I'd have one of the greatest tools available to musicians but was blown away by receiving some
of the greatest support I've ever had with any company and having fun interacting with the community here on the forum. Fractal delivers and if your on the fence about this amp don't be.

Thanks again!
Matt was very helpful to me with some MFC 101 issues I was having. He has been around the block and knows a ton about this stuff and is a great asset to Cliff and Fractal.
M@ was brought to you today by FAS, and the number 8.


Great guy, great support.
i Remember meeting Matt at the NY amp show last year, i said to him "give me a high gain sound with some light chorus and delay, a real Alex life son-esque sound" 5 seconds later and BOOM. my mind was blown and now i'm using an axe-fx II. M@ rules!
Sheesh, keep it up and I'll have to send a link for this page to my mom and dad!

Thanks all.
This forum rocks... Always plenty of people to help out and share their experience. This complements a top-notch product that defies all the business and technology norms to be truly ahead of its time. I am so grateful to find out about Fractal even if after 20 years of playing. At least I can afford it now :)
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