Wish A secure "TOUR MODE": Password protection with attempt delay and owner info.


Just had an idea I thought might be a rad feature for the FAS line:

The option to engage a secure "tour mode".

Essentially, when the mode is activated it would require a user to "unlock" the unit after startup by requiring a series of button presses (A-E encoders or NAV arrows?) and each unsuccessful attempt would result in a longer delay between attempts--1 second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, etc. This value would held in memory unaffected by power cycling, so that powering the unit wouldn't reset the timer, only restart the last-known one.

Displaying the owner's contact info (or custom message) on the main display would be handy, as well as having the option to force a complete "wipe" of the unit after a user-defined number of unsuccessful attempts, just in case someone is trying to steal your tone!

Probably wouldn't prevent the most die-hard of techie criminals from stealing gear, but it could definitely be used as a selling point to deter would-be jerks.
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