A "Note" on Ghost Notes....


I spent this weekend working with Axe III users that were very concerned with their discovery of ring mod sounds on some of the AxeFx amps. After a few emails and and sound clips I understood what they were hearing. Ghost notes. Being a guitar junky and Axe-Oholic for most of my life I've been aware and a bit of a fan of this phenomenon, especially in the rock guitar arena. I recalled a post that Cliff posted https://forum.fractalaudio.com/threads/ghost-notes.126903/ and I remembered that I added the solution in my phone's notes folder for just such an occasion. After explaining why this would show up in varying degrees in certain amps everyone was still confused as to why anyone would want ghost notes in any sound?

Fast forward to today.

I spent 4 hours going over guitar stems from A level, triple scale guitar players and award winning producers. All tracks were played with amps and cabs.

EASILY over 1/3 of all the tracks featured Ghost Notes!

Ghost notes are naturally occurring and authentic to the amplifier experience.
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