A new lease of life..?


Fractal Fanatic
I bagged a 2003 Korean made Les Paul Gold Top Classic from ebay a week and a half ago. I used to have an Epiphone Gold Top '56 reissue with P90 soap bar pick ups, but that was sold years ago in favour of a 'do it all' Variax 700. The Variax has long since gone too, but I really liked that Gold Top and I've often kept an eye on ebay to see if any bargains drift by.

This one popped up and looked good. The guy said he got it in 2003, played and gigged it for a couple years and it's sat in the case ever since - I can well believe that too! It came with a hard case and I was pleased as punch to win it and despite it being a cheap, second hand guitar, I was properly excited to get it!

Rather than take loads of guitars on stage, I prefer an all rounder, so something which has piezo is important to me. I looked into the piezo bridge options and pretty much everyone who has done such an install has done so with an on-board preamp and battery box etc, but I was curious to know whether a designated 'Acoustic' patch on the Axe FX could handle the necessary EQ and sound shaping duties and negate the need to faff about with batteries and stuff… sure enough, a quick enquiry with a UK company called Axesrus confirmed that I could do it! In fact, the guy that runs it, Craig, was hugely enthusiastic and most helpful - top fella and great service all round :encouragement:

He suggested that a 'push / push' pot in place of one of the existing tone controls would be a good way to switch between the piezo and magnetic pick-ups and that pot would also double as a master tone control for all the various pick ups, thus leaving 3 volume controls for each magnetic pick-up and the bridge respectively. I was hugely impressed with his input as that would save any need for additional switches etc and leave things looking completely stock.

The bridge itself was a bit tricky to install because even though the Arch Top Piezo Bridge is designed as a straight replacement for these guitars, my Korean is slightly different geometrically to the Chinese made versions which came after. The bridge slotted onto the existing bridge posts onto my bandmate's Chinese LP with no drama whatsoever, but on my Gold Top, the posts were about 1mm closer together and even with the adjusters wound right in, the action at the 12th fret was about 3mm - way too high!

So I had to get creative. I thought about countersinking the bridge post mounting bushes, but extracting them from the body would be awkward and the chances of drilling them out a little deeper without even minor chipping to the paint finish would have been practically zero... so instead I ground the adjusting thumbwheel on the treble side post completely off and simply used a thin washer to get the desired action height. That gave me a couple millimetres of extra travel and I doubt anyone will ever notice that it's not there as the end result is just great.

Anyhow, here's the piccys!

As it arrived:


Nice dusty bits suggesting it had indeed been sat around a while:


Opening up:


A few random marks, dirt and scuffs around the place, but I could tell there was a good guitar under there:






Surface corrosion on the frets:


A mucky headstock:


Lots of surface scratches and cobwebbing on the back:



Ah ha, the scratch plate was sat in the case compartment:

Before removing the strings and hardware prior to a machine polish:



After a polish up:


Frets polished and fretboard treated with lemon oil:


Here's the small hole in the body under the bridge for the piezo wire (this was before I had to remove the thumbwheel on the right to get it low enough):


Slightly larger hole in the pick-up cavity which meets the other hole for the piezo wire:


Case all cleaned up:


And here she is:



The majority of the scratches removed - some deeper ones and a couple small dings remain, but hey, not too shabby!



You'd never really notice that the bridge adjuster is missing:


No dings on the end of the headstock either!




It may well be the poorer relation to it's illustrious American made Gibson, but this is a beautiful thing in its own right and I absolutely love it to both look at and play.

With the electronic mods, it does a fantastic job of everything I need it to do.

Both my bandmate and I use these now as I did his Cherry Burst Standard while was at it, so I'm also on the lookout for another nice bargain and that will serve as a live spare that either of us can grab in a pinch and it will sound, feel and work just right!

That's a great find! It looks like a completely different guitar after you cleaned it.

Thanks for posting the link to that website, that'll certainly come in handy.
That's a great find! It looks like a completely different guitar after you cleaned it.

Thanks for posting the link to that website, that'll certainly come in handy.

Thanks Simon :)

Craig is a top fella - he especially likes it when you send him a concise enquiry outlining your aims & objectives :D
Looks great! What type of rubbing compound did you use on the clear coat?

Thanks! :)

I used a 3M polish and 3M polishing pad on an orbital polishing machine, such as the type you'd use on a car

In fact, here's a car in need of some tlc that I did a while a back too!





Really nice job. You've got a second career waiting as a luthier. ;-) Love the gold top look too.

Yeah, like I need yet another job Joe! ;)

Really enjoyed working on it... and I'll probably have another coming soon to work some magic on and have as a 'band spare' on stage. Not another Gold Top though as it's nice to have a little variation :)
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