A few questions about modifiers.

Bruce Sokolovic

Fractal Fanatic
Can I use an external switch to change the function of an expression pedal in a scene or preset? Like if I want to set my volume, then hit the switch and it’ll control my wah and no longer control volume.

Otherwise, can modifiers change scene by scene or bank by bank of an effect?
Yes. Volume vs. Wah is a classic application. There are a lot of ways to do this sort of thing, none of them too difficult to understand or execute.

1. Use Wah and Volume in series and use the switch to toggle their bypass states inversely. Don't use Auto-Engage!

2. Use Wah and volume in parallel and use the switch to change channels on a multiplexer to determine which effect is heard.

3. Use Scenes to switch the bypass state and channel of the Wah and Volume blocks such that the pedal operates only when the block is engaged and set to a given channel. Change to a different channel when the block is bypassed and you can also use Auto-Engage. (A modifier is normally shared across all of the channels of the block where it exists. However, you can also limit it to operating on just a single channel—your choice—using the Channel parameter in the modifier menu.)

There must be more ways, but this should get you started.
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Yes. Volume vs. Wah is a classic application. There are a lot of ways to do this sort of thing, none of them too difficult to understand or execute.

1. Use Wah and Volume in series and use the switch to toggle their bypass states inversely. Don't use Auto-Engage!

2. Use Wah and volume in parallel and use the switch to change channels on a multiplexer to determine which effect is heard.

3. Use Scenes to switch the bypass state and channel of the Wah and Volume blocks such that the pedal operates only when the block is engaged and set to a given channel. Change to a different channel when the block is bypassed and you can also use Auto-Engage. (A modifier is normally shared across all of the channels of the block where it exists. However, you can also limit it to operating on just a single channel—your choice—using the Channel parameter in the modifier menu.)

There must be more ways, but this should get you started.
Example one seems most logical to me. I didn’t look at it this way and it makes sense.
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