7-Pin MIDI Cable breakout to 5-PIN and Power?

Jack Napalm

Power User
Has anyone seen a breakout cable that would take a 7pin MIDI cable from the Axe-FX to a 5-Pin MIDI cable and power adapter? Just wondering if that would be one way to run one cable out to an ART X-15 without doing any mods.
I have an X-15 that I use with the Axe. It works good for its age. I'm looking for a one wire solution to power it up also.I could be wrong but I think only three of the five wires carry midi. pins one and five may be able to send 9v dc with a minor mod inside the x-15. take a look at this:

Thanks guys. I had seen that mod but wasn't sure I wanted to do that, just yet. I like that cable. Looks like I might need a gender changer for power adapter but it seems like it will work. I may order one just to try it out.
Anyone ever see a 7pin to 7pin plus a power tail on one end of the cable ?
This would come in handy if you had one powered pedal on your board next to your midi controller .....
I have the X-15 as well. I use a Rocktron Rack Interface to inject DC power into my 7-Pin midi cable. I installed my own 7-Pin midi jack on the back of my X-15. I jumpered/soldered from the midi pins over to the built-in midi jack. I soldered two wires from where the power comes in on my 7-pin jack to where the power jack connects to the PC board. Works like a champ and no failures in 3 years. I wish I wasn't travelling, I'd take a pic for you. PM me if you want me to send you a pic of what I did. Good Luck!
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