4 cable method


I've read that many here use their FM9\FM3 in the 4 cable method. When I use my pedals with my tube amps I do the 4 cable with my time effects going in to the loop of the amp and my gain\compressor pedals out front. I can't picture how that would be possible with the FM9, to put drive effects and compressor out front and the time effects in the fm9 through the loop. Or is there a way?
Outboard Pre and Post Pedals with AxeFx Amp + Cab (">>" = physical cable, ">" = virtual grid cable):

>> FM9IN1
> FM9 "pre" fx blocks (ie Wah...)
> FM9Out3L
>> outboard physical "pre" fx pedals (ie Comp, Drive...)
>> FM9IN3L
> FM9 Amp + Cab blocks
> FM9OUT2L (or L/R if stereo)
>> outboard physical "post" fx pedals (ie Time based Chorus, Delay...)
>> FM9IN2L (or L/R if stereo)
> FM9 "post" fx blocks (ie Enhancer, Rotary...)
> FM9OUT1L (or L/R if stereo)
>> monitoring.

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