3 button midi controller recommendations


Hi everyone,

I'm wondering what everyone is using for a simple 3 button midi controller? I'd essentially like something that I could scroll views between preset, snapshot, and effects. Another button for tuner/tap tempo. And maybe a 3rd button for looper or something else.
Both the Morningstar MC3 and Disaster Area Midi Baby 3 are fine options.
The MC3 gives you the display screen, but the DA is smaller and has two inputs for external devices like expression pedals.
It really comes down to your needs and preferences.
If you plan on having the buttons serve permanent functions and don't absolutely need a screen on your controller, you can save a bunch by going with the DoreMIDI 3-button, or switch the form factor and the Ampero 4-button.

I can't speak to the quality of the DoreMIDI stuff, but my Ampero 2-button footswitch has survived a bunch of travel and abuse and the design has proven absolutely road-worthy.
I use the Disaster Area Midi Baby 3. Not so musch for the switches, though I use the switches to bounce back and forth between my three main presets. I use the Midi Baby 3 to connect my two expression pedals via midi. This frees up my two onboard pedal jacks for a 4-button stand in switch. I effectively have 10 switches and two expression pedals.
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