2 midi foot controllers for Axe fx


Hello, first time here initiating a thread. Well basically I have a behringer fcb1010 with eureka eprom for stomp box mode only, and I will be shortly receiving a tech 21 midi moose for preset change only. I know about this midi merger (MIDI Solutions Merger; Two Input MIDI Merger) but I was wondering if could use both devices as described above without having to use the 2in1out midi merger to control my axe fx ultra. I was also wondering if someone does the same as I am planning to do it. If anyone has any experience with the midi merger and axe fx, then how the heck would I power it? I read the website but it confuses me. Any help in regards to this will be greatly appreciated.
Took a quick look at the manuals, you don’t need the midi merge box just go.

Midi moose > fcb1010> Axe Fx

The fcb1010 “out” also serves as a “thru” so anything seen at the input is passed along to the output.
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